Chapter 12- Further Exploration

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After Jungkook and I walked back into the kitchen Jin and Yoongi were finishing up dinner. They were filling up the dining table with a bunch of main courses and side dishes. The food smelled delicious, from what they told me there was Bulgogi, Bibimbap, Naengmyeon and a few others. Everyone dug in, all the food was so good. Once everyone was done Joon spoke up.

"So, I just wanted to say" turning to look at me. "Melody, we are so glad that you are here, and we are excited to get even closer to you." All the guys shook their head in agreeance. "If we can do anything better to make you feel at home, please tell us. This is you home now too." I was trying to think of something that I could do to thank them as well. "Thank you all as well, I was actually thinking I wanted to do to thank you all for all the great things we have done the past few days. Would it be possible for me to cook you all a meal tomorrow?" "YES!" they all yelled. "Of course! We would love that." Jin said. "I would be happy to help if you need it." "I may take you up on that since I'm really good at baking but there are a few things I can make really well. I would just need to go to the store for some things if that's ok." After ironing out the details with Joon and Jin everyone made their way to the living room to watch a movie. After a tough battle of rock paper scissors, Jungkook got to pick the movie. Of course, he picked an avenger's movie. Halfway through the movie I started to get sleepy.I was next to Jimin and Jin, I had my head on Jin's shoulder and my legs across Jimin's lap he had been softly rubbing them. Once the movie was over the guys were afraid to move me. I started to wake up once I felt your hair being softly moved off my face, I slowly opened my eyes to see Jin looking down at me with a soft smile. "I think its time for bed." He said to me as I stretched and sat back up. "But I don't want to leave you all yet." I said back to them. Jimin gave me a hug from behind. "Its okay if you want, I can come cuddle you once you get ready for bed." I was shocked by his idea, but I took a second to think. Jimin and I had a hot and heavy make out earlier, I turned to him. "I think I would like that; I've never cuddled someone and gone to sleep before." We both got up said good night to everyone and I gave them all a kiss, I asked him to give you a few min since I still needed to get ready for bed.

After taking a quick shower, washing my face, and getting into my pjs I texted Jimin I was ready. In about a minute Jimin was walking through the door. He locked it behind him, "I wouldn't be surprised if Tae tried to sneak in here for cuddles." He said with a mischievous smile on his face. We both got into bed, Jimin removed his shirt, and he wrapped his arms around me. I turned to him to stare into his eyes. "You really are so beautiful." I said to Jimin. "You are too" he said smiling back at me. "Now I know your lying, I am not beautiful." He pouted at me. "Don't do that, you really are beautiful, you are our Soulmate. You were made for us; you will always be beautiful." I blushed and dug yourself into his bare chest. He pulled me back and gave me a kiss, this one was soft and full of encouragement. I leaned forward to deepen the kiss. After a minute, Jimin pulled away, "Be careful Melody, if we keep going, I'm not sure I will be able to stop myself." I giggled at his words, I turned over too tempted to keep kissing him. Jimin kissed the top of my head and pulled me further in to a back hug. Then I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to Jimin's head on my chest and our legs intertwined. I leaned down and kissed Jimin on his head. "Jimin? I need to get up." Jimin cuddled deep into my chest. I giggled and he finally got up and turned over to go back to sleep. I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom to get ready to go down for breakfast. Once I got ready I came back out and leaned down to Jimin placed a kiss on his cheek. "Please come down for breakfast, ok?" Jimin grunted back at me as I turned to walk out the door.

I walked down to the kitchen I could hear someone was already up. I turned the corner to the kitchen, and i saw Jin getting some of the food ready for breakfast. "Do you need help?" I asked as Jin turned to me. "Morning Melody! Of course, I would love the help." He said giving me a morning kiss. I made myself a coffee and helped get the breakfast spread together. Jin had been working on a spread of Pancakes, waffles, eggs, and breakfast meats. After we both finished the food Jin gave me a big hug. "Want to help me by waking up the guys? I'm sure they'd rather you wake them than me." "Sure, I can do that!" "Careful with Tae he may try to kidnap you, and Yoongi is super grumpy when he wakes up." Jin said as he turned his back to get the platters on the table.

I started back at your room with Jimin, I saw him still sleeping, I leaned down and gave him another kissing whispering "Jimin breakfast is ready. Its really time to get up." He opened his eyes and pulled me in for another kiss. "Okay Melody I'll get up, just keep giving me your kisses." He said as he puckered up. I laughed and pushed him back to the bed. Then he ran up to me and gave me a back hug as I tried to run away.

Next up was Joon, Joon was already up reading in bed, I let him know to come down for breakfast and I gave him a kiss as I left. Jungkook was a lot harder to get up, I had to shake him for his to open his eyes but once they were open, he grabbed me for a hug. I have him a bunch of kisses and told him to come down for breakfast. I was walking to Hobi's room when he walked out into the hallway and was running toward me pulling me into a hug. "Good morning Melody! How did you and Jimin sleep?" "Great Hobi! Different waking up in someone's arms but nice." I said with a blush growing on my face. "Oh, I hope I can wake up to you soon Melody." He said as he gave me a kiss and started to walk down the stairs leaving me stunned.

Next up was Tae's room, Jin had warned me about him, so I quietly tip toed to the side of the bed. I leaned down and kissed Tae on his cheek. Then like Jin mentioned he pulled me in the bed with him. Kissing my forehead. "Good morning Melody. I was waiting for you." "Oh, where you now?" I said playfully back at him. We both cuddled for a bit exchanging a few kisses here and there until I pulled away. "We really need to head down to eat. Jin and I slaved for a while to make this for you all." "Wow! You helped with Breakfast?! Okay ill be right down." He hopped out of bed, giving me one more kiss before running to the bathroom while I made your way to the door.

Last one to wake up was Yoongi, from what the guys had told me was he was extra grumpy in the morning. I first ran back downstairs to the kitchen grabbed a cup of coffee and headed back to Yoongi's room. I paused in front of the door, then after a second I took a deep breath and opened the door. With the mug of coffee in my hand I headed over to the bed, sitting the mug on the nightstand, I took a seat on the side of the bed. "Morning Yoongi" I said and gave him a peck on his cheek. Yoongi started to grunt at the wake-up call. "I brought you some coffee." I said as he sat up in head opening his eyes to look at me. "Thank you, that's the nicest wake up I've ever had. The guys usually mess with me. This is so much better." I blushed as Yoongi took the cup and started drinking.

After leaving Yoongi's room I went back down to the kitchen to get another cup of coffee to drink with breakfast. After a few more minutes everyone as downstairs and sitting at the table ready for breakfast, once I sat, they all dug into the food. Sending compliments to Jin and me. After we all ate I asked, "So what the plan for today?" Joon speaks up, "Well we actually have to go into work for a bit today. But if you want you can run the errands you need and shop around. Hybe did give you a bodyguard, so you won't be alone." "Okay I would like to go out I do need a few things." "Here take my card, grab whatever you need." Joon said handing me his black card. "Oh no, I couldn't take this." "I insist, this is just until we can get you your own card. We want to take care of you."  I knew this wasn't a fight I was going to win. I took the card and placed it in my pocket until I could place it safely in my wallet.

Everyone when to get ready, and as they left me, they each gave me a kiss and hug. "We will miss you, be safe today." they all said as they left the dorm. After they left I went up to your room to grab my bag and phone and call Dae-Seong my driver and now bodyguard. I finished tidying up the kitchen and getting a list of things I needed together when a knock came to the door. I opened it to see Dae-Seong standing with a smile. "Ready to go exploring Seoul?" "Ready as ill ever be." I said locking the door as I closed the door.

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