Chapter 39- The big day

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I woke up turned over in the big bed in my hotel room. Looking at the clock, 645am way too early I thought. I rolled over in the bed trying to go back to sleep, finally after tossing and turning I got up to go shower. Before I jumped in the shower I sent off a text to the guys.

Melody: Good Morning my Handsome men, I am so happy for today and can't wait to see you. Love you.

At 10am there was a knock at the door, opening it up there stood my best friends Erica and Sam and Jiwoo smiling with breakfast and mimosas. "Morning! There is the beautiful bride to be." Jiwoo chimed. Then they all piled in the room.

"Girl! We are so excited for you!" Sam gushed.

"I can't wait to see the looks on their faces." Erica swooned.

The girls and I all got ready for the hair stylists and makeup people to come by. Jiwoo had decided to put on a bunch of the guy's older songs for us all to dance around to. She even put some of their older songs that the guys wouldn't let me listen to cause they were too embarrassed.

We were all laughing and dancing around the room when the hair stylists showed up. They turned the music more mellow and began to work on my and the girl's hair. About halfway done with your hair I started to receive texts from the guys.

Jin: Morning my beautiful soon to be wife! See you at the end of the aisle.

Hobi: Babe, there are no words for how excited I am for today. Love you!

Tae: Morning!! Only a little longer till we are your husbands. 😊

Jungkook: I can't wait to see you!!

Yoongi: We will be waiting for you Babe, Love you.

Jimin: Wifey, can't wait to see you beautiful.

Joon: Time couldn't move fast enough. Love you.

I smiled into my phone reading each one of the messages. As soon as my make up was done the girls helped me into your dress as there was another knock on the door the guy's moms all walked in holding gifts.

"The boys gave us these to give to you for today." Joon's mom said handing me the first gift. I took the small rectangle box from her and slowly opened it. I opened the box and saw a light purple and diamond bracelet. "It's beautiful." I said softly and she helped me put it on.

Jin's mom was next handing me a small bag

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Jin's mom was next handing me a small bag. I opened the bag and saw a purple and pink garter. She handed it to Jiwoo and she helped up place it on my thigh. I blushed at the thought of Jin picking this out for me.

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