Chapter 2: Locke, The Trail Worn Traveler

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Soft moonlight came in through the window of the small house, bathing its polished wooden floors in a silver light. It was well after midnight, but everyone in Narshe was wide-awake. There had been screams and explosions outside of just about everyone's windows. And, several bodies had been removed from the snow, frostbite already claiming its lifeless victims. There had been crying wives, crying children, even some howling lobos, realizing their masters were gone.

But through all of this, an elderly man had been making his way through the mines, carrying out his own investigation. His sandy-to-white colored hair was being dripped upon by the icy waters of the mines, but it did not seem to bother him. He had seen the Magitek Armor riding into Narshe from his own window on the north part of town, and he thought tonight was his lucky night. He needed Magitek Armor, even just one piece, for a friend of his to study and overlook.

But he did not expect to find what he did lying on the cold, damp ground... one of the soldiers he had seen earlier, minus her armor, out like a light. He did a quick check, seeing if any of her two comrades were with her, but no one else was there except her and that creepy frozen esper everyone had been talking about. It was then, however, that he noticed the strange brown headband fastened around the girl's forehead, and gasped. She needed to be taken in right away to safety.

So now, he was home, after he had carried the young woman back from the mines and tucked her safely away in a spare bed of his. However, before leaving her alone, he carefully reached around to the back of her head and unfastened the slave crown, taking it to a table across the room. He wanted it as far away from her as possible.

Suddenly, he heard a soft moan come from the bedroom, and sat up in his rocking chair, nearly dropping his book in surprise. Had the young woman finally awoken? He sighed as he stood up, knowing what would be coming next. She would be asking questions, and he would have to give her all of the sad answers. He entered the bedroom, and looked toward the bed. There she was, sitting up, and rubbing her head. Her green hair fell over in curly tendrils over her shoulders, and her purple eyes were filled with a light that had never been there before. Her clothes were still soaked with snow and water, but she was not shivering.

 Her clothes were still soaked with snow and water, but she was not shivering

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"Are you ok?" The old man asked, and the girl gasped, looking up at him. When she spoke, he was surprised to hear that her voice was small, soft, and almost child-like. In fact, he was surprised she could even talk at all. The full effects of the slave crown, such as muteness and amnesia, perhaps had not settled in after all!

"Where am I?" She asked softly.

"Whoa!" He smiled as he came closer. "And I only just removed the crown!" The girl looked up at him with a pained expression on her delicate face.


"Take it easy..." The man said, and took the slave crown off the table. He held it out to the girl, and she blinked, not recognizing it.

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