Chapter 18: The Kidnapper, Gambler, and Pilot Extraordinaire Setzer

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"Locke, do you really think that this Setzer will be willing to take us to Vector?" Edgar questioned worriedly

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"Locke, do you really think that this Setzer will be willing to take us to Vector?" Edgar questioned worriedly. Locke looked away from the elegant Opera House in front of them and nodded seriously.

"Yes! I am positive that we will find a way on his ship... honest or not, hee hee..."

"Oh dear." Cyan moaned. "Sir Locke..."

"Sounds like a plan!" Edgar grinned, and looked the Opera House up and down himself. It was a magnificent piece of architecture, several stories high, completely built up with a pale white stone that was fashioned into the shape of bricks for building purposes. The white stone almost seemed to glow in the silvery moonlight that reflected off of it from the sky. The roof was a soft blue color, a shade lighter then the blue shutters that framed each of the windows that were in the house. Freshly polished golden candle-holders were installed at the doors and the windows as well, illuminating the front of the building with the long ivory candle sticks that were placed within them, each one burning brightly. The pair of doors at the entrance were so large, it looked as if it would take a group of people just to pull one open. Each door had a golden door- knocker in the shape of a rose, and matching door handles. The door handles were curvy and elegant--the matching rose design came in on the handle itself, for it looked as if a golden rose stem (minus the thorns) had been weaved around it, the blossom resting at the top of the plate that held the door handle on. Carved in the actual doors were intricate designs of what looked like plays being performed scene by scene. The detail was so precise, one could actually read the expressions on the character's faces that were carved on the door perfectly. Edgar found one scene of a young woman in a billowing dress weeping in her lover's arms particularly moving.

"Here we go..." Celes trailed off, and reached up, banging one of the door-knockers 3 times. Everyone in the group stepped back considerably when the door began to slowly swing open outward. When they were fully opened, they saw Impresario stepping away from the long roped cord that opened the doors, and he smiled, gesturing them in. As soon as the last person stepped inside (Cyan), he pulled the cord again, and the doors slammed shut, a soft booming noise echoing within the hall they were standing in.

"It's you again!" Impresario exclaimed, and Locke dug in his pocket, handing over the letter he had dropped in Owzer's house.

"I read that letter." Locke said. "Setzer's coming to steal her..." At the sound of that name, the Impresario let out a moan and pulled out a fancy handkerchief, wiping his forehead.

"He'll probably appear right at the climax of scene 1. The man loves an entrance!!!" Impresario cried. "I remember when he tried to abduct Maria last time... thank goodness he grabbed someone from the orchestra instead! The poor girl hasn't wanted to perform since... she knows Setzer is after her!!"

"Oooh, if only we could grab HIM during the performance!" Locke muttered, and Impresario's eyes bugged out of his head.

"Dear me, NO!" He cried. "You'll ruin the performance! I'll lose my job!"

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