Chapter 13: Gau, Feral Child of the Veldt

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After Cyan had collected his wits in the Phantom Forest and assured the team that he would be quite alright, they made their exit and traveled the only road leading south from the forest, eventually coming upon an uphill path that would lead them straight to Baren Falls.

At the top of the falls, Sabin looked out at the view and took in a deep breath of the fresh, water-sprayed air. It was a most welcome change from the musty forest air from before. Just off in the distance, Sabin could see the long green plains that were known as the Veldt, and just at the northern tip of the Veldt, he could make out a very small village. That was Mobliz. It used to be that a traveler could cross a very large bridge to get across the falls and then take a path in the opposite mountains to get to Mobliz. There, you could go down to Crescent Mountain and raft your way to Nikeah, which was on the other side of the continent that Narshe was also on. However, that mode of travel was no longer in existence, for "somebody" (The Empire was the most suspected, but never proven guilty) had burned down the bridge the linked the Veldt to Doma's territory, and besides that, the waterway that linked Mobliz to Nikeah (known as the Serpent Trench) had collapsed within itself in many areas due to the use of Magitek machines while the Empire traveled within it, and had filled completely with water so that there was no way one could raft within it. The circumstances regarding the planet's unity grew more and more unfortunate every day, it seemed...

Remembering all this vital geographical information, Cyan spoke up first.

"Sir Sabin, what are we to do now? We've made it through both the Empire's base and the Phantom Forest, but I am afraid we have become stuck."

"Yeah, really!" Sabin exclaimed, and turned to Shadow, who looked bored. "You told me to travel south to get to Narshe, but there is no way to get there!"

"There is always a way." Shadow said coolly, and nodded towards the falls. Sabin didn't quite understand him until his own sense of adventure had awoken once more and gave him the inspiration he needed.

"We can get down to the Veldt by..." He murmured to himself, and Cyan interrupted him.

"There are dangerous creatures there!" He protested. "And it has only gotten worse since travel through there slowed down!"

"But the Empire is right on our tails." Sabin argued. "If we don't get out of Doma territory soon, we'll all be in trouble."

"Hmmm... Well, if we did slip through the Veldt, we could easily reach Mobliz to recuperate and then...." Cyan sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "But how...?"

"We'll have to jump the falls!" Sabin decided, and slammed his fist into his hand decidingly. "Is that what you meant, Shadow?" But Shadow merely nodded and did a quick bow.

"I have served my purpose." He said, and turned to walk away. Sabin blinked and hesitantly raised a hand.

"Shadow!" He cried, and Shadow turned, not appearing to have much emotion over their departure, which had at last arrived. He had decided he had had enough for now.

"Thanks for your help!" Sabin exclaimed. "Let's join ranks again sometime!"

"Good-bye Sir Shadow!" Cyan added, and Shadow nodded again and suddenly took a flying leap from where they had been standing to the lower path below that they had climbed up to get to the falls. In a few seconds, he had disappeared from their view.

"He's like the wind..." Cyan commented to himself, and then turned back to Sabin. "Now, please tell me you were joking about jumping the falls."

"Of course not!" Sabin exclaimed, and laughed. "Are you afraid?"

"Are you CRAZY!?!?" Cyan shouted in return. "We'll never make it!"

"Sure we will, just hold your breath." Sabin said casually, and suddenly grabbed Cyan, tossing him over the edge of the falls!

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