Chapter 12: Honorary Phantom Returner

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If I don't think of something in the next five seconds, I'm gonna be dead.

Shadow was caught in a bad position. Being half-paralyzed on the ground thanks to Kefka's Bolt spell, the enemy easily snuck up on him, and now had him at their mercy. (As much as he hated to be at anyone's mercy, he was willing to admit now that he was indeed in deep trouble.) The soldiers both smirked and were about to bring their swords to Shadow's head, when a loud barking noise broke out, and a black shadow swiftly leapt between Shadow and the soldiers, too quick to be made out for what it really was. With a growl and a mighty bite, the shadow chomped on each soldier's hand, causing them to drop their swords and go screaming off in the opposite direction. Shadow grinned as the black figure made it's way over to him and lovingly licked his cheek.

"Interceptor!" Shadow exclaimed, hugging the dog. "I owe you. Come on, lets go find that Sabin fellow and make sure he hasn't gotten himself killed. He still needs to find us some food." With that, Shadow stood up, and Interceptor began to follow him through the base. However, he stopped his search for Sabin when he came upon a rather interesting sight, actually, 3 interesting sights that were glimmering in the heavy desert sunlight.

"Kefka, damnit, where are you?!" Sabin cried, who had somehow lost sight of the nightmarish clown. He cursed himself at becoming lost, but didn't have long to wallow in any self pity, for he realized he had reached the ends of the base territory. Not only that, but he could also see a whole load of soldiers struggling in a battle only a few feet away. Sabin narrowed his eyes, but was shocked to see that all those soldiers were going up against one lone figure, and that figure was winning! He was a tall man with long black hair in a thin ponytail that waved in the air like a flag as he dashed from soldier to soldier, letting them each have a taste of his shining rapier blade. He was decked out in some of the most majestic navy armor that Sabin had seen outside of his brother's usual flashy wardrobe. Sabin noted that however, this man pulled off the style with a lot more grace than poor Edgar.

"I am Cyan!!!!" The man cried as she slashed his way through the crowd. "Retainer to the King of Doma!"

"Doma!?" Sabin cried. "Are we too late!?" With that, Sabin took off running to help the man.

"Ahhh, he's the enemy!" The soldiers squealed. "Fight harder, everyone!" With that, Sabin was accidentally pushed by a rushing soldier and knocked to the ground.

"Eoooa!" Cyan cried in surprise, glaring at Sabin. "Be you friend or enemy!?"

"Ouch, didn't mean to just step in there!" Sabin cried. "But... hey, can I lend you a hand?"

"Thank you... whoever you are." Cyan said, a little surprised, and Sabin leaped up, throwing himself at the soldiers.

"Ahhh!" They all screamed as Sabin blinded them with an Aura Bolt. Cyan took that opportunity to take them down with his sword. In a matter of seconds, it was all over. Stunned and dying bodies were scattered all about... However, more troops were running towards them to quickly replace their dying comrades.

"Ohhh! This is too much!" Cyan cried, and shook his head.

"Let me have at it!" Sabin shouted, just getting warmed up and swinging a punch at the nearest soldier.

"What a mess!" Cyan exclaimed. "Do be careful Sir!"

"Arrrrg!" Sabin yelled, and took a flying leap back away from the soldiers and Cyan. Placing his two index fingers together, he began a short chant and the ground began to rumble and shake as a barrage of flaming replicas of Sabin began to fly at the soldiers from all directions. In moments, they were all puffs of smoke being carried away by the dry desert wind.

"Amazing!" Cyan exclaimed, dropping his sword to his side.

"That was called a Fire Dance." Sabin explained proudly.

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