Chapter 17: A Prisoner of Love, Maria of the Jidoor Opera House

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It was Locke who first spoke after the rather awkward silence between the Returners and Ramuh.

"I thought... that Espers lived in another world...?" He questioned slowly, and Ramuh smiled a little.

"Well, that doesn't mean that we don't live here too." He replied, and Locke opened his mouth to reply; though no words came. Ramuh took that opportunity to continue. "Espers take a variety of forms. Sometimes we live here, taking the shape of humans. But you have nothing to fear from us."

"But then why do you hide the fact that you are Espers?" Edgar asked, finally recovering from the shock of the spastic Terra and the introduction made by Ramuh.

"Humans and Espers cannot survive together." Ramuh replied sadly, but also matter-of-factly.

"But my grandma told me that Espers and Humans once lived side by side!" Locke exclaimed. "Was it... all just a fairy tale...?"

"No, it was not just a fairy tale." Ramuh said firmly. "That was true. We started out as friends... with no differences between us... And then... came the War of the Magi..."

"War of the Magi..." Celes trailed off, hearing of it so many times before.

"It took place... long ago." Ramuh began. "Espers fought humans who were infused with magical powers extracted from Espers... Fearing our magical powers would once again become a target, we fashioned a new realm, and moved there. You may know it as our 'Esper World'....for that is what it indeed is. But about 20 years ago, humans stumbled upon it... humans who knew about our abilities... and the secret to Magitek Power. Thus began a hunt for Espers. Only then could Emperor Gestahl create his invincible army..." Celes turned red and looked away. Could Ramuh tell what type of soldier she was? However, he did not seem to probe too much into the identities of the strangers that were before him. Instead, he continued on with his story. "In response to this, we erected a doorway, and threw the humans out. Even as we speak, many of my kind are trapped in the Empire's Magitek Research Facility, being... drained of their powers... And I fled here to avoid a similar fate." He sighed softly as Locke bent down and picked Terra up, gently laying her back down on her bed, pulling the covers back over her body to keep her warm. Ramuh slowly made his way over to Terra, using his staff for aide as he walked. When he reached her, he gently reached down and pushed some of her white hair out of her face.

"That's right... Relax..." He murmured, and Terra let out a soft whimper. Ramuh looked back to the Returners, who were still gaping at him. "I sensed Terra was in trouble. My magic summoned her here."

"Terra is an Esper?" Shadow asked suspiciously, and Ramuh shook his head.

"No, actually, she is quite different..."

"She looks like she's in pain..." Sabin trailed off. "Isn't there anything we can do to help her? Celes, can't you cast a spell!?"

"I--" But Celes was interrupted by the old man.

"Her very existence strikes fear into her own heart." said Ramuh. "But when she accepts... this... aspect of herself, I think she will be just fine again."

"But we have to do something!" Celes cried. "We can't just leave her here, like this..."

"There is something you could do." Ramuh said calmly. "Free those of my kind imprisoned in Gestahl's Magitek Research Facility. One of them can surely help her, I am sure of it. Normal magic, a simple cure spell, could not reach her troubled heart. But I am sure... one of them can..."

"Them...?" Locke trailed off, but Celes furrowed her eyebrows in worry.

"You are sure that we can find your people in the Magitek Research Facility?" Sabin pressed.

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