Chapter 4: Kefka, General of the Empire

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Meanwhile, outside of Figaro Palace, the sun had risen high into the air, as it was now morning. The sands of Figaro desert were already hot to the touch, although, it was not necessarily because of the sun, but perhaps because of the hothead who was making his way towards Figaro...

"Damnit! Emperor Ghestal's stupid orders! Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere? These recon jobs SUCK!" A maniacal, high-pitched voice cut through the peace and serenity of the fresh morning. The man who was shouting like a buffoon suddenly stopped in his tracks and stared down at his brown boots with his beady blue eyes that were painted with many different colors of eye shadow that failed to match the rest of the paint on his face. The two troopers who had been marching with him stopped as well, and looked at each other. They knew what was coming.

 They knew what was coming

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"Ahem..." The clown-man said, eyeing each of them in a way that made chills run down their spines. "There's SAND on my boots!"

The two troopers dove to their knees immediately and began to brush off the man's boots swiftly but efficiently. When they were done, they both leaped up, shouting "Yes sir, all set sir!" In perfect unison.

"Idiots!" The clown-man exclaimed, and laughed loudly. The laugh was so deep and disturbing, it almost felt as if the sky above them would shatter and fall, crushing them. Actually, at this point, it was sort of what both troopers were hoping for. It wasn't the recon mission that sucked... it was being with HIM.

Finally, the clown-man and his two troopers arrived at Figaro's front gates. The soldier who was at post that had welcomed Locke and Terra now looked up, absolutely frightened, and gulped.

"Sir Kefka?!" He cried. "What on Earth do..."

"Outta my way!" Kefka squealed, and shoved the soldier aside. Pushing open the Figaro gates himself, Kefka stomped his way through the small hall and out into an open court of the castle, and then stopped. His troopers stopped promptly behind him, and saluted each other.

A few moments later, Edgar arrived, walking slowly and calmly towards Kefka, who couldn't seem to keep still. He was tapping his foot on the floor and adjusting the vibrant feather hair piece in his hair. Just to annoy Kefka, Edgar went up to his two troopers first. He was actually a bit worried and needed information he was sure Kefka would not share.

"I thought... we were allies!" Edgar said in a hushed whisper to one trooper. "What are you doing in my domain?" He turned to the other trooper. "Looking for more cities to destroy?"

"That's for us to know!" They both replied in unison, and Edgar sighed. Being allies with the Empire did not guarantee anything, it seemed. Edgar looked to Kefka and tried not to shudder. Kefka's interest in making himself look as atrocious and frightening as possible was working well. He reminded Edgar of a staring object in his childhood nightmares. None the less, Edgar put on a charming smile and put these thoughts aside.

"What brings Kefka, loyal servant to Emperor Gestahl, into our lowly presence?" Edgar asked calmly.

"A girl of no importance recently escaped from us." Kefka said dryly. "We heard she might have found refuge here..." Edgar played dumb and put on his thinking face, crossing his arms over his chest.

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