Chapter 23: King of the Moogles and Master of Dance, Mog

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"Miss Terra!"

"Huh?" Terra blinked and narrowed her eyes, trying to see who was calling her name. The snow and wind in Narshe's mountains was particularly bad that evening, and the Returners could barely see a foot in front of them as they approached the gates of the town. Terra ran ahead of the others, her red boots crunching in the snow. How wonderful it was to be somewhere familiar again! Terra smiled to herself as she ran closer to the voice. She felt as if she had been reborn ever since she got her memory back, as if every sense had been heightened and sharpened. While she was not completely carefree, as there was still the Empire to worry about, Terra still felt happier than she could ever truly remember.

"Oh, hello!" Terra exclaimed when she saw who had been calling to her. It was one of Narshe's soldiers at the gate, waving frantically to her and the other Returners.

"We've been waiting for you!" The soldier exclaimed. "Please, this way!"

"Coming!" Terra said, and looked back, waving for the others to follow her. Locke gave her a nod and a wave back through the snow, and Terra felt her heart drop at his melancholy face.

Locke has done so much for me... I'll think of something I can do to make him feel better later... It's my obligation...

The soldier led the Returners to the Elder's house, where Banon, Arvis, and Narshe's Elder were waiting in the parlor. At the sight of Terra, Banon jumped up immediately and ran to the doorway, giving her a big a hug. Terra laughed a little and hugged back as much as she could, pulling back some so that she could look Banon over.

"Banon, you're safe!" Terra exclaimed, and Banon tried not to laugh.

"I should be saying the same for you!" He smiled, and the other Returners filed inside. "It's good that you are all here though... There are many critical things that we need to discuss now. Terra's smile faded a little, but Banon patted her shoulder in reassurance. "The people of Narshe have finally decided to battle the Empire. How did things go in Vector? Do we know any more about them that would be useful?" Cyan stepped up for this question, and began to explain to Banon about everything they had seen in the Magitek Research Facility, and how they now knew how the Empire got it's magic. He also explained that the Magitek Research Facility was now basically destroyed, although that would only slow the Empire down for a little while. He left out everything about Celes and Cid... it wasn't necessary to drag up the more painful part of the mission.

"We can take advantage of them by using Figaro's machinery." Edgar added. "Now that their own supply will be crippled for a while yet."

"Hmm, I see." Arvis nodded, finally speaking up. "Your plan would combine Narshe's money with Figaro's machinery to storm the Empire... not enough man power though..."

"We have to open the sealed gate." Banon suddenly interrupted, and Terra gasped as everyone turned to stare at him.

"To the Esper World...?" She trailed off.

"We'll never be able to beat the Empire without them." Arvis reasoned. "They've had the power of Espers on their side this whole time... How can we compare?"

"When the gate has been opened, we'll have the Espers attack from the east... and we can storm in from the north at the same time." Terra gulped and felt her knees sinking a little. The Espers... they wouldn't understand their need for help... after what had happened the last time humans traveled to their realm...

"There is no way around it." Locke suddenly said, and Terra looked up at him in surprise.

"We MUST get the Espers to understand." Banon began. "We have to establish a bond of trust between humans and Espers. Only one person can do this..." Banon looked to Terra, and she blinked. She felt ice line her stomach when she realized the true situation that they had fallen into... There was no way to attack the Empire without more power... and the Espers held that power... If they couldn't get the Espers to help, they would be doomed. All of their sacrifices, pains, and efforts would go down the drain. Now was not the time to be selfish with fear or doubt.

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