Chapter 26: Daryl, Mistress of the Skies

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"So do you think the Espers are really all the way at Crescent Island?" Edgar asked as he sipped at a cup of warm tea a maid had provided for him and the others that were all gathered in his chambers that the Empire had provided him for the evening, or as they put it "However long until Lady Terra's return." The others had decided to stay together in his room until they absolutely had to be separated into their own for the night, simply because it was the best looking and the most comfortable. Ah, the perks of being King. Arvis and Banon had been fetched from town as well so that they could rest with the Returners and learn about everything that the Empire had planned.

"I'm sure that Gestahl is not lying, although it does make me curious as to why they would go there." Banon said.

"But can we really trust the Empire!?" Sabin cried. "I'm still a little dumbfounded by it all!" Edgar began to snicker, and Sabin made a face at him. "Dumbfounded is a REAL word Edgar, and no, it does not mean I am calling myself dumb." Edgar's smile faded and he cleared his throat as he took another sip of tea.

"Oh... of course... erm, that was not what I was laughing at."

"Well, either way, what the Empire is saying makes sense." Arvis interrupted. "We just can't forget about the Espers. A lot of lives are at stake here."

"Kupo!" Mog agreed.

"Hmmph... well, either way, I shall not forgive Kefka, no matter what." Cyan snapped.

"Hmm..." Gau trailed off as he wandered about the room, sniffing at the different things within it, especially at the beautiful bouquet of flowers resting on a nightstand.

"What's up, Gau?" Cyan asked, and Gau turned around, shrugging.

"Smells like parent's house here... why so familiar?"


"Hmm... the sunset is beautiful down here!" Terra exclaimed as she stared at the golden-pinkish sky in wonder. Locke nodded and smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.

"This whole continent used to be one heck of a place." Locke said. "Do you..."

"Remember?.....Yeah...." Terra nodded. "I sort of do. I moved around a lot, but I remember the friendly people around here and the beautiful flowers that grew in the towns..."

"Me too." Locke said. "I always ordered Rachel's flowers from Maranda..."

"... Rachel?" Terra blinked, and Locke sighed as he looked to her.

"My ex-fiancée... it's a long story..." Locke shook his head and suddenly smiled a little. "But look, there's the Blackjack!" He pointed ahead. "I'll just go grab my tonic, and you can go say good-bye to Setzer. I'm sure he is in the engine room."

"Alright..." Terra trailed off, and with that, Locke took off running for the ship. Terra followed with slower steps and eventually got there, slipping around the back to the engine room, where she could hear Setzer cursing, and another familiar voice shouting back excitedly.

"Wow, what a ship!"

"Damn... that landing really messed up the engine... It'll take a while to fix..."

"But I'll help! No machine can stump me!" Terra slipped in the engine room and saw Setzer scrambling from engine part to engine part, while the second voice, belonging to Cid, was looking around in awe.

"Don't touch anything!" Setzer shrieked, and Cid put his hands on his hips.

"Go kill time in the casino! I can speed this crate up!"

"....You little... !" Setzer growled and swung his arms. "Get outta my sight!"

"But I could really make this thing hum... !" Cid whistled as he walked out, brushing past Terra. Setzer looked up and Terra laughed a little as she stepped further inside and gave a little wave.

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