Chapter 10: The Lone Ninja, Shadow

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While Terra, Edgar, and Banon were resting safely in Narshe, and Locke and Celes were traveling there together...


Sabin moaned to himself and slowly opened his eyes, cringing when the bright sunlight hit him like a slap in the face. He felt wet, exhausted, and despite his little solo trip down the Lete River...

He was also strangely rejuvenated.

"Up we go!" Sabin exclaimed to himself, and climbed to his feet, stretching and looking about his surroundings. All he could see were rolling green hills, and a lone house a short distance away, with the beginnings of a forest behind it. Apparently, the Lete River had grown tired of him and spat him out in the middle of nowhere. Sabin ran his fingers through his hair to get it to spike up again, and proceeded to the house. Perhaps the owner knew where he had washed up, and also knew how he could get to Narshe as soon as possible. Despite the setbacks, Sabin knew that he still needed to be with his brother in Narshe's greatest time of need. He had promised, after all, and he knew that Edgar had faith in his return.

At the house, Sabin saw a small merchant on a chocobo, letting it drink from the well in the front yard. However, it was what was beside the merchant that caught Sabin's attentions. Standing there, seemingly cloaked in the night sky himself, his clothes were so black-- was a tall masked man with a huge black Doberman dog at his side. Sabin smiled when the man lifted his deep blue eyes to Sabin's sky blue ones, but the man didn't seem to smile back.

 Sabin smiled when the man lifted his deep blue eyes to Sabin's sky blue ones, but the man didn't seem to smile back

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Now, Sabin was full of wisdom and sensibility, being that he was indeed a student of the great Duncan. However, it seemed that all of this had washed away in the Lete River, for instead of taking the man's glare as a warning, Sabin happily approached him and to be friendly, leaned down to pet the dog. The dog let out a menacing growl, and bared his fangs. The merchant blinked and suddenly scampered away, pulling his chocobo with him. Now it was just Sabin and the stranger.

Hmmm... this dog doesn't seem to care for strangers. Sabin thought, and turned to the man, not knowing that he shared the same feeling as his dog at the moment.

"You... on a journey?" Sabin questioned, and the man gave a slight nod. Sabin nodded back in comprehension and continued. "I got separated from my friends... say, could you tell me how to get to Narshe?" The man shifted his weight slightly and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Imperial Soldiers have built a base somewhere beyond this forest." He replied casually. Sabin gasped.


"They seem to have their sights set on Doma Castle." Shadow said. Doma was a small kingdom on the eastern end of the same continent Narshe was on. But Sabin still did not have a good idea of how he was going to get to his destination. He did know however, that the Empire would just make it more difficult now.

"... So Doma is next, huh?" Sabin mused worriedly. "I need to get to Narshe as soon as possible!"

"Your only hope is through Doma." The stranger replied. So that was why he had shared the news of Doma's upcoming misfortune to Sabin. Sabin groaned and shook his head. He couldn't take on the Empire alone... especially since he was lost to begin with...

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