Chapter 3: Edgar, King of Figaro and Empire Ally

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"Wonderful... there's a whole bunch of 'em..." Locke looked at them and slowly pulled out his knife. Perhaps, if he were quick enough, he could wound enough of them to get them to back off...


"Huh?" Locke cried, and the guards all started squealing.

"What was that?!"

"A ghost?!"

"Well, withdraw! If it's a monster, let it get to them first!!!" The guards scrambled back further in the mine, and Locke turned towards Terra.

Standing by her body was a short, squat, little white creature with small ears and small pink wings. The red pom-pom on its head bobbed back and forth from its rough landing on the ground, and its tiny nose twitched as it looked over Terra and then looked at Locke.

 The red pom-pom on its head bobbed back and forth from its rough landing on the ground, and its tiny nose twitched as it looked over Terra and then looked at Locke

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"Kupo!" It squealed, and suddenly, more of its kind appeared from the hole in the ceiling, all flying down and landing next to Terra. In total, there were 11 of them, all staring at Locke.

"Moogles!" Locke exclaimed, and grinned. "Are you saying you want to help me?"

"Kupo!" They all exclaimed, and began to assemble each other into groups of four. 3 Moogles walked over to Locke, and tugged on his pants, gesturing towards the guards, who just stood there, shocked.

"Oh, I see, and we'll fight in a group together!" Locke said, and the 3 Moogles below him nodded. "Well, come on, lets go!" With that final remark, Locke and the Moogles ran towards the guards, with the other Moogles following.

Locke's dexterity was incredible. He flew from the left to the right, taking out the lobo monsters with single slashes of his knife as the Moogles flew at and blinded the guards by flapping their wings in their faces, or by even just flying into them. The Moogles in Locke's group got to biting, and soon, the rest of them followed. Only one Moogle had his own weapon... a shining spear that he must have picked up from a guard. As Locke stopped to catch his breath, he watched in surprise as that Moogle single-handedly finished off a lobo on its own with the weapon. When the Moogle turned to Locke, it smiled and gave him a wink.

Not before long, the lobos had all been killed, and the guards were running scared for their lives. Once the mines had been completely emptied from them, the Moogles all started jumping up and down and letting out loud and excited victory cries. The Moogle with the spear walked over to Locke and did a small bow.

"Thanks, Moogles!" Locke exclaimed, and sheathed his knife safely away. "We're in your debt!" With that, the Moogles all disappeared, one by one, up the hole in the ceiling they had come from. Locke rushed over to Terra and scooped her up in his arms. She found her not to be heavy at all, and ran towards the exit that had been blocked by the guards. However, when he reached the end of the tunnel, Locke found himself to be at a dead end. Furrowing his eyebrows in thought, he set Terra on the ground gently and walked over to a hidden switch in the wall.

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