Chapter 6: Prince of Figaro, Blitz Master Sabin

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"Vargas!" The blonde man cried, his voice suddenly filled with pain and torment. Terra could still not see their savior's face. "Why'd you do it? How could you do your own father in like that...?"

"Do in his father?" Locke asked.

"So, Vargas was slain by his son!" Edgar concluded. Hearing this made Vargas narrow his eyes hatefully.

"Fool!" He roared. "He made the mistake as choosing you as his successor! He snubbed me, his only son... !"

"No!" The blonde replied. "It was you he chose, Vargas!"

"You're a LIAR!" Vargas screamed.

"Our master wanted you to be the successor, not me..." The blonde trailed off, looking down. "He appreciated your fine spirit..." But Vargas wouldn't take it anymore. He brought his hands together, forming a blue ball of light between them.

"Enough of your lies!" He said, and burst out laughing. "Now, have a taste of my superior technique!" He spread his hands apart slightly and then thrust them forward, toward the blonde as well as the rest of the party.

"Mortal Attack! Blizzard Fist!" He exclaimed. All at once, the blue glow left his hands, flying out at the opposing party. The blonde brought his arms up and over his chest and face, blocking the attack, but Terra and the others were immediately hit, unprepared. The chilling winds collided into them, freezing their bodies at first contact for a paralyzing effect. Then, a more powerful gust of wind emerged from Vargas' hands, a gust so powerful it began to blow away the team. Terra, too exhausted to even attempt resistance, was blown away first, by about 20 yards. Edgar followed, falling to his knees as he was blown back. Locke's own strength finally gave out, and he was slammed back into Edgar.

Only the blonde remained, his arms still crossed over his chest and face. Every few moments, he would be pushed back an inch or two, but that was it. Finally, the attack gave out, and the blonde lowered his arms to his side, inhaling deeply. Vargas smirked and put his hands on his hips.

"Ahhh... Sabin, the master has taught you well." He said.

So... his name IS Sabin... Terra's thoughts began to trail off on their own and blur.

"I guess there is no avoiding this!" Sabin said sadly, and stood in a fighting stance. Vargas laughed some more.

"Fate made us train together, and fate will send you... to your doom!" Vargas declared. "Doom Fist!" With that, Vargas made a few motions and signals with his hands, directing them at Sabin and keeping his dark eyes locked on Sabin's baby blues the whole time. Suddenly, Sabin gasped, feeling as if he had been punched in the stomach. He fell to his knees, and clutched at his chest. He couldn't breathe!

"You will perish in 20 seconds." Vargas said coolly, and locked eyes with Terra's defeated party. "And you, will be the next to go! I tire of your patheticness!" Vargas was about to cast his Doom Fist blitz again, when Sabin suddenly stood up, anger in his eyes. Vargas may have been able to attack from a distance, but that just meant that hand-to-hand combat was his weakness! Sabin kept the faults of his former friend in mind as he held up his right hand.

"Pummel!" Sabin cried. His right hand filled with a white holy light that quickly washed over his whole body. With a blinding leap, Sabin jumped at Vargas, showering him with multiple punches that went by so fast, nothing could define where one hand stopped and another began. Vargas cried out and fell to his knees, the light now leaving Sabin's body and covering Vargas'. Terra gasped when she realized that Vargas' body was beginning to disappear!

"He....he taught you that one already?" Vargas moaned, doubling over.

"If only you hadn't have been in such a rush for power..." Sabin trailed off, and turned his back to Vargas. With a final cry of shock and envy, Vargas disappeared, with nothing remaining of his presence except for the metal knuckle he had worn on his left fist. Sabin took a deep breath and sighed. All of Vargas' blitz spells had been broken.

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