Chapter 5: Duncan's Son, Blitz Disciple Vargas

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The moon was at its highest as the three young fighters continued at a steady pace south. The danger had long since past, and Terra had finally began to feel relaxed with her two comrades. She felt that she knew their true intentions now... they were not for the Empire, who obviously wanted them dead.

But Kefka sent those soldiers after me too. Terra thought. He knew I was with them, and yet, he tried to finish me off as well... If I were apart of the Empire, then why would he want to hurt me? This is confusing...

"This is great!" Locke exclaimed, interrupting her thoughts.

"....Those people were from the Empire, right?" Terra asked, just to make sure. " I'm scared..." Edgar smiled a little and looked to Terra.

"Terra, there is someone I'd like you to meet!" He said.

"We're members of the Returners." Locke began to explain, but Edgar interrupted him.

"Our mentor, Banon, would certainly like to meet you." Edgar gushed excitedly. "Magic is going to be the key to winning this war... !"

"Magic..." Terra trailed off.

"Terra, you have magical powers." Locke said. "And... Arvis told me that it was almost like the Esper in Narshe had some sort of reaction to you. You were the only soldier left in the mineshaft out of the 3 that went in. Could there be a connection?"

"I... haven't the foggiest!" Terra replied. "It just seems natural to me that I have the use of this power..."

"But no HUMAN is born with the powers you seem to have and..." Edgar suddenly stopped when Terra tugged on the reins of her chocobo, jerking it to an immediate stop. Her heart felt as if someone had frozen it over. Locke shot Edgar a look, and they both walked their chocobos over to Terra.

"I....apologize." Edgar said softly. Terra looked at him and shook her head.

"Thank you... but it is not only that." She said. "What should I do...?"

"I'm sure the Empire is going to come after you... If they get their hands on you again, the world's finished... Terra, you want to understand your own powers, right?" Edgar chose his words carefully, and Terra nodded.

"Then I think we need to consult with Banon." Edgar concluded. Terra sighed. Like she had any choice... where else would she go? There was no doubt in her mind now that going back to the Empire would just be plain dangerous... perhaps this Banon person could tell her something she could use to the advantage of gaining some insight into her own life. She looked at Edgar and nodded slightly.

"Ok!" Edgar exclaimed. "There is a cave to the south that leads to South Figaro!"

"We can rest there and prepare for the trip to the Returner's hideout." Locke said. "It's a pretty long journey."

"I'll feel up for anything as long as I can rest up for it!" Terra smiled. "Lets go!"

About a half an hour later, which was filled with small talk and deeper introductions, the party reached Figaro cave. Stationed outside the front entrance was a Figaro soldier with a chocobo, who immediately saluted Edgar as he rode up to him.

"King Edgar!" The soldier exclaimed. "Where are you headed at this time of night?"

"Through the cave, eastward to South Figaro." Edgar replied, as he hopped off his chocobo. "We'll have to leave our chocobos here, you guys. They won't be able to travel through the cave without getting hurt or left behind eventually." Edgar then turned to the soldier. "Return to the castle, and tell the others we are safe."

"Yes sir! Take care!" The soldier exclaimed, jumping on his own chocobo. He whistled and the other chocobos that had come with Terra, Locke, and Edgar followed him as well, and soon, they were out of sight. Edgar looked to Locke and Terra and smiled.

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