Chapter 7: Banon, Leader of the Returners

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The sound of washing water could be heard even before Terra, Edgar, Sabin, and Banon reached the back entrance of the Returner's Hideout. The hidden exit was in Banon's room, and it was actually a small ledge that was right above a raging river outside that ran through the Sabil Mountain Range. Tied below to a hammered-in post was a wooden raft, made for such an emergency as this.

"Oh my goodness..." Terra trailed off.

"This raft will take us to Narshe!" Sabin exclaimed, and prepared to leap onto it from above. "Here we go!"

With that, he jumped off the ledge, landing onto the raft smoothly. Edgar and Banon soon followed, and Terra realized it was her turn. Taking a deep breath, she put on a strong smile for everyone, and gracefully took a leap onto the raft. When she landed, she nearly screamed and lost her balance as the raft shook slightly from her body's impact, however, Edgar and Sabin both grabbed one of her arms to keep her steady. Terra let out a breath of relief and gave them each a smile.

"Thanks guys!"

With that final remark, Banon kneeled down, quickly untying a small knot that was keeping the raft tied to a hammered-down post on the right side of the river. When it was released, he took a few steps back, towards the center of the raft, and cheered as the strong water current immediately took over and began to pull the raft and its passengers away, further and further down the Lete River...

Terra sighed happily and sat down on the raft, the rushing warm wind of the river blowing into her face and causing her ponytail to go flying like a shining flag of a most precious green shade. For some reason, she suddenly felt at ease... for the first time ever since this all began in Narshe. Why did she feel this way? She couldn't imagine why... perhaps it was because she knew that soon, she would see that Esper again...

Suddenly, Terra's heart skipped a beat, and she felt her face flush over. That Esper... she didn't even remember it, and yet, a strange feeling of remembrance had washed over her. It was calming as well...

"Hi Terra!!" Edgar exclaimed loudly from behind her, making her nearly leap off the raft and into the water. Terra whirled around and smiled weakly, raising a hand to wave.

"Hi Edgar." She said.

"What are you up to?" Edgar asked slyly, crossing his arms over his chest. Terra blinked and lowered her hand back into her lap.

"What exactly can one do on a raft as small as this?" Terra counter- questioned, and Edgar smirked a little, as to disguise the fact that Terra totally stumped him.

"Definitely not like the other girls I know..." He murmured under his breath.

"Did you say something, brother?" Sabin asked from the side of the raft, his hand acting as a visor over his eyes to block out the late-noon sun.

"Erm, no..." Edgar began, when suddenly, a loud splash in the currents ahead of the party silenced him. Everyone looked up ahead, Terra nearly screaming when she saw what was approaching them from a short distance. It was something purple, slimy, had 8 tentacles.

"What in blazes is THAT?" Banon cried, instinctively pulling out his ruby-crowned battle rod.

"What....WHAT IS IT?" Terra squealed, and leaped to her feet, nearly toppling Edgar over behind her as she readied herself in a defensive stance that seemed to come to her naturally. It must have been a result of training in the Empire...

Suddenly, the purple thing rammed into the front of the raft, the force shoving the entire raft back against the flow of the current and slamming it into some slippery rocks, pinning them there with his huge body. At a closer view, the party could clearly see that this 'thing' was an over-grown, purple octopus... with blazing red eyes and the ugliest set of crooked, rotting teeth one ever did see in this day and age of fine dentistry and oral hygiene.

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