Chapter 15: A Soul Trapped in Time, Rachel of Kohlingen

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"It's pretty dark in here, Locke!"

"Yeah, but don't worry, I have a lantern right here!"

"Well of course! You are the world's best treasure hunter, hee hee!"

"I love it when you say that babe!"

"Aha, but soon you'll be known for it around the world... I bet you'll have lots of fans! Pretty young girls too, I'm sure..."

"Well, that may be... but I'm already counted for, wouldn't you think?"

"Hmmm? What do you mean by that, dear?"

".....What I mean is... Rachel... uh... Well, I want you to marry me!"

"What?! Are you serious?! Oh Locke....I will, I will marry you!"

"Ah, this is great, Rach!!! I must be the happiest man in the world right now!!!"

"Oh Locke Cole, I love you..."

"... I love you too Rachel....Cole....heh heh!"


"So Locke, what are we off to find today?"

"Oh, soon you'll see! It's a surprise!"

"How wonderful!!"

"You are not gonna believe what awaits up here! Come on, it's worth a fortune!"

"Come on Locke, I'll race you across the bridge!"

"Ha, you've never been able to beat me in a race Rachel!"

*Thump....Thump... Thump...*

(Oh Gods no... please don't make me hear this again.)


"Ahhh... !!!!"

(Why didn't she let me fall?)

"Hold on, Locke, I'm coming!"


"No, Rachel, you'll fa--"




(Oh Gods, let me wake up!)




Locke moaned and slowly opened his eyes. When they finally managed to focus themselves properly, he found himself in Arvis' guest bedroom, lying in bed. He felt an unfamiliar presence on his forehead, and when he reached up, he could feel thick bandages in the place of his bandana.

"Oh man...." Locke moaned, and let his head hit the pillow again.

"Are you awake?" He suddenly heard from beside him. Startled, Locke looked a little to his left and saw Celes sitting on the end of the bed, her hands in her lap.

"Celes?" Locke said dumbly. "Oh... you're the voice that called my name... I thought you were..." He shook his head and tried to sit up, but pain shot through his body straight to his head, threatening him with more pain if he tried that again.

"You shouldn't move so fast after you've just woken up." Celes said. "You've been resting for quite a few days Locke... and whimpering the whole time. Are you in terrible pain?"

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