Chapter 19: The Mysterious Returner Sympathizers

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"I win!" Celes exclaimed cheerfully. "Now, honor your side of the bargain!!" Setzer tried to hide the disappointed look on his face as he looked down and saw that the coin was indeed heads-side up. He nodded to confirm Celes was right, and Locke thought he was about to pass out from pure relief. Edgar grinned, and Cyan looked mildly relieved himself. Right then, Setzer picked up the coin, and turned it over in his hands, a slight smile appearing on his lips. Celes blinked and gave Edgar a worried glance. Setzer stood up and grinned even more, tossing the coin back to Edgar.

"How unusual... !" He exclaimed slowly. "A coin... with identical sides!" Celes smirked and put her hands on her hips.

"I believe you've been hustled, Mr. Gambler." She smiled, and Setzer burst out laughing, clapping his hands together.

"Ha!!!" He exclaimed. "How low can you get??? I love it! Alright, I'll help you. I've got nothing to lose but my life... My life will be a chip in your pile! Ante up!"

"Yes!" Edgar exclaimed, and Cyan went over to Setzer, shaking hands with the man vigorously. Edgar stuffed the coin back in his pocket, smiling to himself.

Worked like a charm, just like before... Edgar sighed in remembrance and thought of his brother. Good thing Sabin wasn't here to see the coin... he might of suspected me...

"Celes, you nearly gave me a heart-attack!" Locke snapped as Celes walked back over to him, and she merely smiled in reply. "And you let me worry even though you knew you would win the whole time?!"

"What's it to you who I marry, Locke Cole?" She suddenly asked, and Locke turned red.

"What's it to me...?" He repeated, and she nodded.

"Yes, what's it to you?"

"....Well....uhhh...." Locke stuttered, and Edgar suddenly came over, interrupting them.

"Celes, do you want to go back down to the Opera House really quick and find your clothes?" Edgar asked, and Celes nodded quickly.

"Please, lets go. I feel like I'm going to suffocate in this dress if I stay in it a moment longer." Celes replied, and with that, she turned away from Locke and left the airship with Edgar. Locke blinked and smacked his hand up against his forehead. Setzer smiled to himself and put a hand on Locke's shoulder, making Locke glare up at him.

"Would you like a tour of the ship?" Setzer offered, and Locke softened his stare a little. Setzer didn't seem like quite a bad character, although Locke was not going to be quick to forgive him for trying to get Celes to wed him.

"Sure." Locke said, and Setzer began to lead him to a ladder across the room that would lead to the upper deck of the ship.


About a half an hour later, the Blackjack (Setzer's name for his ship) was soaring high in the sky and crossing the ocean, making it's way towards Vector, the capital of the Southern Continent. The sky was completely black, with clouds covering what little light the moon and stars emitted for the night. Setzer and Locke were on the outside deck, talking about what exactly Locke, Celes, Edgar, and Cyan had to do in the Magitek Research Facility. As Locke explained himself the best he could, Setzer piloted the airship. Edgar and Cyan were in the lower decks, enjoying a few good card games with each other, and Celes was sleeping, exhausted from her performance at the Opera House.

"So we don't exactly know what we're going to find there... but no matter what, we're going to free the Espers."

"I'd think you were talking poppycock to me if you weren't wearing that silly necklace." Setzer replied, and Locke reached up almost automatically, slipping the Magicite shard underneath his shirt again. "So... Espers are still among us..."

Born With Magic (Book 1 Of The Last Fantasy Duology)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz