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-Mentions homophobia
-Mentions cheating

Clay's POV

I was so upset and left my room with my hood over my head so my parents wouldn't notice I was crying.

I walked downstairs with my head bowed forwards and sniffed softly as I entered the living room, clearing my throat when I saw my dad sit down on the couch.

'Hi, Clay. I'm leaving for work soon, can you watch your brother?'

'I'm going to Sap,' I whispered with a hoarse voice. My voice cracked in the end, causing me to quickly walk to the front door. 'It's important.'

'I'm leaving in half an hour so make sure to be home then. Just invite Sapnap here, he can sleepover. Your mother and I are both working tonight.'

I nodded slowly and grabbed my phone out of my pocket, leaving back upstairs. I immediately felt tears rolling down my face again and looked at my phone to search up Sapnap's number.

After looking for a bit, I found it and clicked it. I brought my phone up to my ear while crying louder and louder. My chest felt really tight and I was sobbing so loudly that my breath hitched loudly to catch some air.

Sapnap accepted the call after it rang for twenty seconds. 'Yo, dude! What's up?'

It was quiet since I couldn't talk because of how sad I was. It wasn't even necessarily the girl, it was just the fact this kept happening and I couldn't trust anyone anymore. Everyone I loved kept leaving me.

'Oh my goodness, are you alright? Why are you crying so hard? Take your time to talk.'

'M-my ex c-cheated on m-me and was t-together with m-me because I'm p-popular. Just l-like the b-boy tried to.'

'I'm so sorry, Clay. I'm genuinely so mad that this keeps happening.'

'I'm so hurt,' I whispered. 'I can't leave my home because I have to watch my little brother. Do you want to come here the rest of the afternoon and maybe the night if you want to stay over?'

'Sure, I'll get some stuff and ask my dad. I'm sure he's fine with it. He has never had a problem with it. Am I allowed to tell him the reason or rather not?'

'You can,' I muttered. 'Sap? Is it me?'


'Am I the one doing it wrong every time? She said such hurtful things, she told me to just pick a side.'

'A side?'

'Boys or girls.'

'Dude, just let her choke on her tea,' Sapnap said with a small giggle. 'I'm serious though, you're bisexual so you don't just have to pick a side.'

'I just like them both. I told her I have a slight preference for boys and she immediately said I'm just gay. She also said no one is ever going to love me.'

'That's bullshit, you'll find someone one day. I promise you,' Sapnap said. 'Maybe a handsome guy or a pretty girl. Who cares if it's a boy or a girl, you'll just fall in love with someone one day.'

'Thanks,' I muttered. 'Would it be okay if I fall in love with a boy? My parents still don't know.'

'That's totally fine and they don't have to know either. You can tell them that you like boys too at your time. I'm always here to support you.'

'I feel so heartbroken,' I whispered, feeling tears rolling down my face again.

'I'll ask my dad quickly and then I'll immediately come to you, okay? Hang on.'

I heard Sapnap walk down the stairs and open a door. I was quiet as he started talking to his dad.

'Hi, dad. Can I stay at Clay's place today? He's a bit sad and I want to be there to support him.'

'Of course, sweetie,' Sapnap's dad answered. 'I hope he's alright. Oh! I baked a cake yesterday, you can bring a piece to give to him. He might like that.'

'I'm sure he will, he's on the phone.'

'Hi,' I muttered.

'Oh, hello Clay! I hope you're alright. I baked an apple pie, Sapnap is taking a piece for you if you want one.'

'Thanks, that would be nice,' I answered with a smile. Sapnap's dad was like a second dad to me.

Sapnap's parents divorced a while back, but his dad made up for everything. I came out to him before coming out to my own parents and he supported me fully. He always asked me if I was okay and let me tell him about my day. His home was my second home.

'Do you want to talk about what happened?' Sapnap's dad asked with a concerned voice. 'Don't bother if you don't feel comfortable enough.'

'I figured out my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me and she said really mean things to me which hurt a lot.'

'I'm so sorry, Clay. You're a great guy and I'll find someone who will love you for who you are. You even have more to choose from,' Sapnap's dad grinned. 'You have the looks, you like both boys and girls. It will be totally alright.'

'I just want to meet a sweet boy or girl who isn't popular and who doesn't care about being popular either.'

'You will find them,' Sapnap's dad said with a soft chuckle.

'Thanks,' I muttered.

'Anyway, I'm coming now,' Sapnap said. 'I'll be there in around ten minutes.'

'Okay, love you,' I said with a smile, happy that he always cared for me.

'I love you too, dude. Take care, I'll be there as fast as possible.'

I smiled as I hung up and laid down on my bed, rolling on my side to reach my nightstand. I opened the drawer and grabbed my bisexual pride flag, holding it against my chest.

'I'm valid,' I whispered to myself so I would keep believing it. 'Bisexuality is valid.'

I stared down at the flag and sighed softly. 'I don't have to pick a side,' I whispered. 'I'm valid.'

A tear dropped down onto my shirt. 'I am able to be loved and I will find someone,' I muttered while biting the inside of my cheek after so I wouldn't cry again. I wanted to believe in it, but I didn't know if I could trust anyone ever again.

1054 words

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