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-Slight homophobia, but barely anything

Clay's POV

It was a bit after dinner and I was laying on my bed again. I was just constantly thinking about what happened and sighed softly as I stared in front of me without any purpose.

I suddenly heard the door open. 'Clay?' my mother yelled at me. 'There's someone at the door for you!'


'A friend, I think?'

I slowly stood up and walked down the stairs, frowning at my mother. 'Who is it?'

'I don't know, I've never seen him before.'

I nodded slowly and walked to the door. My parents were in the living room and I closed the door, looking up in front of me.

My heart seemed to stop and I felt my face heat up as I realised who was standing in front of me. It was my previous crush...

'Hi,' he said with a mean smile.

'What do you want?' I whispered as I looked at my hands, feeling the pain inside getting worse.

'Just checking on you after I broke your little heart,' he grinned.

'Shut up, leave me alone. You've hurt me a lot and I don't want to see you again.'

'You could have known, I'm not a weirdo like you. I just acted like I liked you because I would be popular.'

'Shut up, don't make it bigger than it was.'

'Well, you seemed to like me a lot and you cried a lot too which is really funny to me.'

'Leave me alone, you've hurt me enough.'

'Did you actually love me?'

'Yes, I did. Are you happy now? I was genuinely in love with you and you just used me and broke my heart.'

'It was your own fault, idiot. Next to that, you were popular and I wanted more popularity. It's your own fault that you fell for me. You could have known since I was just your friend who acted like I liked you.'

'How can I know someone is using me? And how can I choose who I fall in love with?'

'You're just so dumb. Oh, I'm bisexual. Sure, dude.'

'I'M VALID AS A BISEXUAL GUY,' I yelled out, pushing him away. 'You've hurt me so much. I was even going to come out to my family for you, but no. You had to use me.'

'Just be happy, I could have done much worse things. I could have recorded all our conversations about this.'

'Don't act like you're so amazing. I just confessed to you and that was it.'

'Well, and you asked if I wanted to be your boyfriend and I rejected you so you cried-.'

My face heated up and I felt guilt fill my body. 'I loved you and I thought you loved me too. I know we were only friends and I shouldn't have expected anything from you, but you purposely acted like you were in love with me and I believed that. Don't act like you're amazing.'

'You're such a pussy. Are you sure you feel like a boy or should I call you they/them,' he laughed sarcastically.

'I'm a boy, why wouldn't I be a boy?'

'Because you don't even know who you like.'

'I do know who I like. I like both boys and girls.'

'Sure, dumbass.'

'Just leave me alone. Why do you have to come here?'

He grinned. 'Just wanted to talk to you.'

I tried really hard not to cry and closed the door behind me, turning around. I opened the door to the living room as I suddenly saw my parents standing close to it with shocked faces.

'What?' I muttered awkwardly as they kept staring at me.

'What was that about?'

'That doesn't matter,' I mumbled. 'I'm going back upstairs.'

I wanted to walk past them, but my dad grabbed my shoulder tightly. 'Don't lie to us, Clay.'

'Why are you listening to my private conversations?'

'With your previous crush?' my dad asked with a confused look in his eyes.

'Yes, my previous crush,' I whispered as I started walking away again.

'You like guys?' my mother asked.

'I think that was obvious enough after you apparently listened to me. Please, leave me alone. I'm already feeling shit enough.'

'I really didn't expect you to like boys,' my father said.

'Okay, congrats,' I muttered. 'Is it not obvious enough that I don't want to talk about it?'

'And we do, you are our son and I think we are allowed to know what stuff you do in your life.'

'No, it's my life. Why would you care if I'm gay or straight? I'm not either of those to be clear. I'M BISEXUAL AND I'M SICK OF ALL THESE QUESTIONS.'

'But you were in love with him?'

'Why do you want to know? Why are you interested in knowing who I like? I'm also not asking anything about your love life, right? It's private!'

I was sick of it and ran past them, running up the stairs. I wanted to go inside my room, but basically ran into my sister's arms. She had them already open and pulled me closer.

'Just cry if you need to, it's fine and I don't mind. How your exes treated you is just horrible and it's not your fault. I heard the conversation too since my window is open and I want to say that you don't have to feel guilty about loving him. It's normal to love someone and you can't control these feelings. Even though it's a boy, that's fine.'

'I didn't want to come out to mom and dad yet,' I whispered. 'I know I had to one day, but I didn't want to yet. They seemed mad at me too.'

'Just leave them for a bit. I'm pretty sure they aren't homophobic, they are just a bit shocked since they never expected you to like guys.'

'They could have thought that one of their children could have been something else than straight.'

'Give them a bit, okay? Come, let's go to your room and try to sleep, it's a bit later.

'Can you stay for a little?' I whispered. 'I'm so sad and I feel so alone.'

'I'll stay with you. I might fall asleep though.'

'That's fine,' I muttered. We went to my room and laid down in my bed. My sister held my hand and rubbed it to calm me down and we both fell asleep very quickly.

1074 words

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