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-Fight between parents
-Emotional abuse

George's POV

I was laying down on my bed with my eyes closed. I had been exhausted after my first school day and still didn't tell my parents about my asthma attack. When I could talk again in the ambulance, I told them I didn't want my parents to know since I was only a burden to them.

I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling with blurry vision. I was so incredibly tired, an asthma attack was literally a death experience. Each time I got one, I was already keeping the fact I would die in mind. If I didn't get the right help once, I would genuinely die because I didn't have enough oxygen anymore.

It was later that day since I slept for a short while and then just laid on my bed. I was about to lay down again to sleep as I suddenly heard a door slam. My dad was probably home from work which couldn't mean much good.

Warning fight between parents
Warning emotional abuse

'I'm so sick of it already,' he screamed at my mother who was most likely just sitting on the couch like she usually did. 'Each time I want to get into my house, I have to walk two stairs. I want to go back, but our son has to ruin everything. Like he always does!'

Tears stung in my eyes. It wasn't my fault that I had asthma, but he made me feel like that. I would do anything I could to get rid of my asthma but we didn't have money for that.

'Stop talking like that about him. He didn't choose to get asthma and we just have to give up some things to help him. That's a normal thing to do. If you complain about some stairs, you don't even want to know what he's going through. He can't even walk two stairs without almost passing out!' my mother screamed back.

'I'm sick of it, he's such a burden. I wanted to live my life and when I got children, I expected to have a sweet and lovely kid. He has always been terrible and I don't want this anymore!' my dad screamed back.

'Stop!' my mother yelled. 'He is a sweet kid, he hasn't even hurt a fly. He's the sweetest kid you could have gotten, we never argue, he never does any bad things. He always just listened to us, even though you say ridiculous things.'

'We can't help him. If the treatment doesn't work next time, I'm giving up.'

'But I'm never giving up on him. He is my son and I love him so much, I will NEVER give up!' my mother screamed so loudly that her voice cracked.

'Juliet, I think you don't get it. You don't have a job so if I leave you, you have nothing anymore. You can't take care of him and I will be gone forever, getting money for myself without him.'

It was quiet and I felt tears rolling down my face. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, my heart got crushed by his next words.

'I wish I would have just put him up for adoption at birth. I shouldn't even have tried, he has always been a burden. I don't want him here anymore.'

Warning over

My mother didn't reply and I heard her footsteps on the stairs. She sniffed softly before walking to the end of the stairs. I was sobbing so loudly that she knocked on the door.

'Sweetie? Can I come in?'

'Y-yes,' I muttered, hitching a breath. I could feel my chest tightening and my mother immediately noticed when she came in.

'Okay, honey. Come here,' she said. She laid down next to me and made me sit straight up, pulling me into her arms. I saw her looking around her and she grabbed my inhaler from my nightstand, giving me a puff.

'Calm down, sweetie. Try to breathe calmly so you won't start hyperventilating. Breathe with me, okay?'

I nodded and started copying her breathing rhythm. It seemed to work and I started breathing a bit calmer. My mother rubbed my chest and held me tightly.

'George, I love you so much. You look really pale, sweetheart. How was your day at school?'

'I haven't been honest,' I whispered as I grabbed my inhaler to take another puff.

'About what?'

'I had a really bad asthma attack,' I whispered. 'Another boy with asthma helped me and a guy named Clay called an ambulance.'

'Why didn't you call me, honey?'

'Because I'm just a burden, dad said it himself.'

'He's just upset about our house and everything. It's difficult for him to take such a step.'

'He wishes he would have put me for adoption,' I whispered. 'That statement hurt me the most out of everything he said.'

'I can't miss you, I would never let you get adopted. You're the light in my life and I love you no matter what,' she whispered as she pulled me closely to her body.

'I'm just so sorry for lying about my asthma attacks. I just wish I wouldn't bother you and dad so much anymore. I've always felt like a burden and dad tells me constantly that he doesn't even want me to be here.'

'But I want you to be here. If he leaves, I will do anything I can to take care of you. I promise you,' she smiled as she kissed my cheek and ran her hand through my hair. 'Do you want me to bring you a bit of tea and a biscuit?'

I nodded. 'Yes, please. I would like some.'

My mother stood up and grinned as she walked to the door, turning around again with a big smile. 'But George, you said two boys helped you at school? Are you making friends?'

I shrugged. 'I haven't talked to Clay anymore, but I did talk shortly to Bad. He asked me how I was doing and if I could tell him something about my asthma. He has asthma, but very mildly.'

'I'm so happy he talked to you! Do you want to tell me if you become friends?' she asked happily.

'Of course,' I giggled. 'You'll be the first one to know.'

'Thank you,' my mother grinned as she walked away.

1062 words

George's dad is a bitch ANYWAY

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