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-Mentions surgery?

George's POV

It was my birthday and I was sitting downstairs on the couch. The last few weeks hadn't been too good. We got medication, but it just didn't work well. I didn't go to school anymore because I had asthma attacks around three times a week, I had been intubated four times again and it was genuinely terrible.

I just wished to get the surgery, rather today than tomorrow. I knew it had a waiting list, so I had to be patient.

I was drinking some tea as I waited for Sapnap, Bad and Clay to come over for my birthday. My parents didn't give me their surprise yet, they waited to do it when everyone was here.

Clay went to the group Bad told him about with people from the LGBTQ+. He made a few friends who were also bisexual and started feeling more valid after all this time. He felt recognised since he wasn't the only bi guy on this earth.

'I think they're here!' my mother said happily as she stood in front of the window to look down to all the cars passing by.

I smiled and leaned back. I wished to look a bit more healthy for my birthday, but they all knew I was really sick so I hoped they wouldn't mind my pale face with big bags.

Another minute passed and then they all walked in. Bad and Sapnap gave me a hug to congratulate me and Clay crawled next to me on the couch because he wanted to cuddle with me. 'Happy birthday, Georgie. I love you a lot and I hope you're going to like the surprise we have. I have something small first.'

He grabbed his bag and giggled shortly. 'I'm not really an artistic person, but I tried to make something for you.'

He handed me a heart drawing and giggled. 'That was supposed to look better. I also got this,' he said as he lifted a photo frame up. 'You said you really wanted a picture of us together and I got a frame with multiple pictures.'

I grabbed it and looked at it with a big smile. It had a picture with me and Clay in the middle and around that were pictures with Bad and me, Sapnap and me, my parents and me and more with Clay. I smiled brightly.

'Thank you,' I whispered. 'I really like it.'

My voice was really soft because I was so tired and breathless, but I managed to stay calm.

Everyone gave me small presents and then my parents walked in. 'We've been giving you some medication and let you fill out some forms, but that's because of the surprise we had.'

I nodded slowly and looked up at my dad.

'I'm not going to make this any longer than I need to. The reason you couldn't eat yet, isn't because of the cake. It's because you're getting the surgery today. I know you wanted it as fast as possible and at one pm, you're going to get the surgery you wanted. I hope you don't mind that it's on your birthday, but it was the only spot free this week.'

I smiled brightly. 'No, I really don't mind. I'd wish to have this as fast as I possibly could.'

Clay smiled and held me tightly. 'I'm going to be with you when you fall asleep and when you wake back up. It's not a hundred percent going to be a cure for your asthma, but it's at least going to make it liveable for you. We are looking for the right combination of medication for you too.'

I couldn't stop smiling anymore and fell into Clay's arms. I tried to keep smiling, but when he hugged me back, I started crying softly.

'Are you so happy?' Clay asked me when he heard my soft sobs.

I nodded and my tears fell down on his neck. He pulled away gently. 'I love you.'

'Get a room,' my dad grinned. 'No making out in the living room.'

I rolled my eyes and Clay giggled. 'I know I'm bi, but this will definitely not happen.'

'No, so make sure you won't today either,' he said whilst laughing.

My parents started preparing everything and I went upstairs with Clay, Sapnap and Bad. Before I knew it was time to go to the hospital. My father drove my mother, me and Clay there.

I was really nervous and sighed softly as I sat in front of the doctor. He explained everything to me and I had a moment alone with Clay after that.

'It's going to be okay,' he said with a smile. 'I love you and I'm here with you when you're back awake.'

'I love you too,' I whispered. I felt tears in my eyes. 'I'm a little bit scared.'

Clay pulled me on his lap and ran his hand through my hair. 'It's fine to be scared. You'll have three short surgeries and it might all be totally fine so the next time you won't be as scared.'

No one was close to us right now, so I turned around to cuddle with Clay now I was almost going to have surgery. I cuddled a lot with Clay and Sapnap. Bad was less cuddly than them, but I really loved hugs when I needed to calm down again.

'Sure, don't make out in the living room but just in the hospital,' my dad suddenly laughed as he walked into the room.

I rolled my eyes. 'We are just hugging!'

'Yeah, you have to go for the surgery. Clay is going to be with you when you fall asleep.'

I got brought to a room and laid down on a bed with a mask on my face. Clay kissed my forehead and smiled.

'I love you, it's over before you know and then I'm here for you again.'

I smiled, but couldn't talk because of the mask. I formed a heart with my hands and Clay smiled. 'I'm here with you.'

My eyes started to feel heavier and I wanted to reply to him, but before I knew it I fell asleep.

1037 words

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