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Clay's POV

George ended up falling asleep in my arms again and I let him sleep, staying with him until it got dark outside. I had to go home after that and my parents looked up at me as soon as I entered.

I tried to get the big smile off my face, but they had already seen it. I was just so happy that George actually cared about me after everyone who didn't and used me. I trusted him because he wouldn't do this for his own popularity. I couldn't wait to spend more time with him as fast as possible since I loved him so much.

'You look happy,' my mother said with a smile. 'You always look happy when George is around you.'

My face heated up and I looked at my sister who was sitting on a chair with her earphones in. She looked up and got one of her earphones out, listening to the conversation.

'I'm just uh- he's a great friend.'

'Clay, I'll always love you, you know that, right? It's fine if you like him, we accept you liking boys too.'

I smiled shortly, slightly annoyed that they assumed things. George was actually perfect, I loved him so much and I wouldn't stop saying that, but I wasn't ready for another relationship.

Tomorrow I was going to hold a speech in front of the whole school so I could organise an event for George to raise money. He was right, this was going to be the death of him if we didn't do anything.

'What are you thinking off, honey?' my mother asked as I stood in silence for a few minutes.

I got startled and looked up. 'Uh- something.'

'Clay, are you okay?'

'I'm organising an event for George at school. George's health is decreasing and they don't have enough money for another treatment. He's really sick and I had to perform CPR on him yesterday because he passed out. I want to raise money for him so he can pay for his treatments and live his life again.'

'That's so sweet of you.'

'He means everything to me, I don't want him to die. I'm doing everything I can for him to live his life. I'm going to try to make the event really big so strangers can also donate. Not only for his treatment, but also so he can go live in a normal house again. His apartment is way too small for them.'

'Aww, that's really sweet. Do you need help with it?' my dad asked.

'I might. He told me that he genuinely cares about me and not like the other idiots who used me. I love him and I need to help him.'

'Aww,' Claire screamed. She stood up and gave me a tight hug. 'I'm so happy for you.'

'You can do it,' my parents both said.

I smiled brightly and grabbed my sister's hand. 'Do you want to help me with the event?'

'Yeah, of course. I'll help you,' she said as we went upstairs.

We made up a whole plan with multiple activities. She was going to call other people she knew and so were my parents. My parents were both going to donate three thousand each and Claire found someone who organised a lot of these kinds of events.

The next morning Claire and I went to the principal together. He fully agreed with the plan and organised it so that everyone came to the public room in different groups so I could tell them about it.

Claire was with me so I wouldn't shut down and I sighed as I held the microphone in front of the first group. The principal stood close to me too so I felt comfortable enough to speak.

'Hello everyone, I'm here because I have an important message. I'm organising an event to raise money for George. Most may not know George, because he moved here recently.'

I was shaking really badly and took a deep breath in before I continued.

'George is just a seventeen year old boy like I am, but George has a life threatening disability. He has severe asthma and his health is decreasing a lot. It got so severe that he needed CPR to survive. He's always feeling really sick and is afraid that his life is going to end like this.'

I looked at Claire to make sure if I was doing okay and she nodded with a smile.

'George doesn't have enough money to pay for his treatments anymore which will mean there might come a day where he will pass away due to his asthma. I want to give him a second chance to live and raise money for him so he can have a future like every single one of us has.'

I started telling them more about the event and once I was done people started clapping and some yelled that they were going to participate and tell others about it too.

I smiled and grabbed my phone to text George quickly.

I love you <3 I have to admit that I miss you at school, but rest is more important <3

George didn't reply immediately which made me think he was asleep. He replied an hour later with a short message.

I was sleeping, but I'm still really tired. I love you too <3

I won't bother you, just wanted to let you know how much I love you. Sleep some more, you need it, Georgie <3

I'm going to eat something and sleep again <3

Okay, have a good meal. I can't wait to see you again :)

Thank you, me neither :)

I put my phone away and continued the day. I held multiple speeches and loads of people were interested and were going to ask other people. The principal helped us with looking for "more famous" people so they can promote us and it all seemed to go well so far.

At the end of the day I went home with the happiest feeling ever. I wanted to go to George later since I missed him, but firstly wanted to have dinner at home. I was so incredibly happy that I was maybe going to be able to give my friend a new chance to live.

1035 words

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