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Clay's POV

~ A Few Days Later ~

It was a few days later and I went to school early. We finished the project yesterday and I had a lot of fun with George and Sapnap. We worked really quick together, laughed a lot and I told George more about my past and my bisexuality.

I sighed softly as I walked into the school, but got immediately grabbed by my shoulder by someone. 'Hi Clay,' she said with a smile. 'I heard you're single again and I do like you.'

'Okay,' I said as I kept walking to the place I sat with Sapnap the most. George and Bad often sat with us too lately which made it really fun during the breaks. We talked a lot and had fun.

'You're single, right? I like you.'

'I am, but I don't like you,' I said with an eye roll. 'Now leave me alone, thank you.'

'Why do you not like me?'

'Why would I like you? I've never seen you before,' I answered with a loud sigh.

I looked around me and saw Sapnap sitting with George and Bad. My face turned sad as I looked at George. I felt kind of jealous that he hung out with Bad so much because after the project he didn't ask me to hang out anymore and it made me scared he'd leave me too like the others did.

Sapnap guaranteed me that I didn't and that he was just too shy to ask. He told me I should ask him to hang out once, but I didn't get the chance yet.

Warning homophobia

'Oh my goodness, don't tell me you're into a guy again,' the girl next to me said with a loud sigh.

I looked at her and she rolled her eyes at me. 'You have so many girls to choose from and you pick the guys. Just say you're gay then.'

'I'm not gay!' I yelled. 'I'm bisexual.'

'You're just gay, you're into guys and it's pretty obvious.'

'I'm into guys and into girls.'

'No, you're just gay.'

'STOP,' I yelled. I grabbed her shoulders, ready to push her against the wall. 'LEAVE ME ALONE, I'M NOT GAY.'

I got so sad that a tear rolled down my face while my hands started to shake. 'I'M BISEXUAL.'

Warning over

I kicked against the wall and pushed her away to turn around. I ran to Sapnap with tears rolling down my face and sat down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder to ask for his comfort.

Sapnap wrapped his arm around my shoulders and looked at me. 'What's wrong?'

'That stupid girl was mean to me again. She says that I'm just gay and that I have so many girls to choose, but I pick the boys. I don't even feel worthy anymore,' I whispered. 'I always get hated because I'm bisexual.'

George cleared his throat. 'Clay, uh- you might not want me to get involved now, but bisexuality is valid. It's a real thing to like both boys and girls.'

I sniffed softly and looked up at him. 'It makes me so sad when people don't respect me. I'm just being a pussy again, but it hurts me.'

'You're not gay,' Sapnap said with a soft and comforting smile. 'You're not straight either, you're bisexual and that's totally valid.'

'Can I say something?' Bad whispered. 'I'm pretty nervous now.'

I nodded and looked up at him.

'Uh- so. My uh- p-partner is b-bisexual,' he mumbled as he looked down to his hands. 'They are non-binary and bisexual. They're born a girl, but are way happier with they/them. And uh- I'm pansexual.'

My eyes lit up and I smiled. 'Really?'

Bad nodded. 'We go to a club together. There's a few more people who are bisexual, a few who are lesbian, there's a few gay people and so on. If you want you can come once? Everyone is really sweet and accepting. You two can also come, you don't have to be part of it.'

I had a big smile on my face and wiped my tears away. 'I'll come there one day, when is it?'

Bad told me the days and then stood up. 'I'm going to call my partner for a little, we always call around this time since they don't live very close to me.'

I nodded and Bad walked away. George sat in front of me and I stared at him. He was really beautiful and even though he probably didn't like boys and I didn't want a relationship anymore, I still found him gorgeous.

'Oh George, did you know there's a school party in a few days? Are you coming too?' Sapnap suddenly asked.

He blushed. 'Really? Would you want me to be at the party? I've never been invited to a party before,' he said with a really big smile. He sat up and got so excited that he squeezed his hands.

I smiled about how cute he was and looked at George who couldn't stop smiling. 'Sorry, I wasn't trying to get pity or anything. I'm just very happy that I got invited once. What's the party for?'

'I think a few people had their birthday and they just invited everyone to their parties.'

'Would they mind me coming too? Or do I need to ask them first? I understand they wouldn't want a stranger there.'

'You're my friend so too bad for them,' Sapnap giggled.

'You're my friend too,' I whispered. 'At least I hope I am. Uh- I uh-.'

'You are,' George said with a smile.

I got so shy that I started scratching my fingers. I was just really nervous because I was so scared he was using me too and eventually break my heart like the others.

'Why are you so nervous?' George muttered. 'Do I make you uncomfortable? If so, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.'

'No, not at all. It's just uh- you know-.'

I almost just bursted into tears again, but Sapnap saved me. 'He's just an over thinker and is afraid to say something wrong.'

'Oh, don't worry. You won't easily say something wrong to me,' George said with a smile.

I smiled back and then stood up. 'I need to get my books.'

1044 words

Girl is mean to Clay again for being bisexual YOOOO

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