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It was a stupid idea.

Taehyung accidentally ran down to the cellar, getting lost in the countless floors and rooms of the mansion. But give him that, the poor boy only wanted to go home so of course he wasn't going to sit prettily on his ass and pretend like he was obedient to his (hot, handsome) captor, so any stupid decision he might make in your eyes, would be done the same if you were in his place.

"No no no", Taehyung muttered, panicked because he heard loud voices shouting his name and footsteps running closer. It must be Jungkook and his men searching for him already, he didn't have much time to escape but he first had to find a way out of this forsaken cellar.

Taehyung took another turn, hoping to find his way back to the staircase which has previously caused him to end up in this situation, but there was no sight of it. Instead, there was a metal door at the end of this new corridor and Taehyung rushed to it once he heard voices coming closer.

The door was somehow easily to be opened and Taehyung missed the sign on the door before he slipped inside and shut it quietly behind him.

The blond stilled once he heard footsteps outside and he quickly covered his mouth to prevent any heavy breathing. Luckily, the footsteps moved away from the door. Unluckily, he has ended up in a dark room.

And upon further investigation, Taehyung realized in horror in what room he has ended up in.

A room filled with weapons.

"What the fuck", Taehyung whispered horrified and didn't even noticed that he has cursed, only staring wide-eyed at the multiple weapons hanging on the walls. Guns, machine guns, knives, swords, all sorts of weapons Taehyung couldn't even name.

A brutal picture in the seemingly innocent room filled Taehyung's vision and he backed away, terrified. If he wasn't afraid of Jungkook until then, he for sure was now. This room just showed to him how dangerous Jungkook was and Taehyung was terrified to be tortured with one of these horrendous things.

He stared at a machine gun that had the length of his entire upper body, wondering what it would be used for. Taehyung didn't want to find out. He has only wanted to go home! But now he felt like he should return to Jungkook before he got hurt by one of these.

Taehyung looked around the weapon room before finding an odd looking gun. Maybe Taehyung could use this, it didn't look as complicated as the others. Maybe that little metal thingy could help protect himself from Jungkook. Curious if he knew how to use it, Taehyung picked it up.

The door banged open, causing Taehyung to flinch and scream surprised once an unknown man charges into the room, yet it seemingly wasn't one of his persecutors. "What the fuck?! An intruder!", the man exclaimed, a mountain of a man with impressively frightening muscles and a murderous glint in his eyes when he saw Taehyung standing there.

The man charged at him and Taehyung screamed again when he was attacked like this, backing away with a sob. Taehyung then did something impulsive and stupid, he accidentally fired the gun, maybe in the wish to protect himself but he used it falsely and ended up shooting himself.

Taehyung bellowed in pain, dropping the gun and feeling something warm drenching his shirt, hot pain blinding him for a second before he was jumped. He got slammed to the ground, crying in agony. He felt his own blood drenching his shirt, struggling in the hold.

"Who the fuck sent you?!", the man screamed at poor Taehyung who stopped his wriggling because it worsened the pain. He mewled when he was once again slammed into the ground. "H-hurts", he cried out and screamed when one of his arms got twisted behind his back.

Taehyung heard the muscles crack and he nearly blacked out by the sickening sound. "Was it Kim or Park?", the man ignored Taehyung's wails of pain, still pressing him down with his own body weight. The little blond felt dizzy, he was losing lots of blood considering that his sight turned red too.

His blood slowly created a puddle in which he was laying. "N-no one s-sent me, p-please help me... I was kidnapped!", Taehyung struggled to say weakly, sobbing silently while tears ran down his cheeks. The man didn't believe him.

"Fucking rat, you're a spy", he seethed. "Why else would you be in the weapon room?!", he yelled once more and shook Taehyung who moaned in agony, slowly loosing consciousness. "Was a mistake... w-wanted to hide from Jungkook", he mumbled tiredly, eyes fluttering.

"Liar. I'll get the answers from you", the man of course didn't believe the caught boy. So Taehyung continued to cry helplessly while the other guy held him down and called for backup. "Boss will kill your for entering private ground, boy. You will never get out here alive", yes, Taehyung believed so too.

The guy didn't let go of him even when Taehyung turned limb in his hold, cheek resting against the cold floor. He felt something wet on his cheek too, and wondered if that was his blood. Maybe this was really the end.

'Momma, I'm dying... Hyungie, I am sorry, I won't come back', Taehyung thought weakly, just when figures appeared in the door frame. But because of his blurry sight, Taehyung could not see who it was, nor did he care. He was dying anyways.

Jungkook charged inside the room and saw his precious doll injured, on the ground, the guy proudly preaching to his boss. Before anyone could react, Jungkook has pulled out his gun and shot the daring guy in the head without blinking, the corpse falling to the ground and freeing Taehyung.

The little blond was rolled to the side and cried out in pain, howling in agony when he felt hands pressing over his wound. "Shit, he was shot", he heard someone say and blindly stared up to the person whose hands were soaked in Taehyung's blood.

"Please", he choked out, sight blackening. "Please help me", he whimpered before his head lolled to the side and he turned limb.

The panicked call of his name wasn't heard by the blond boy anymore.


Poor TaeTae :(


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