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You asked, I listened ! Here's the newest chapter of TD, please enjoy♡ and comment while you're here


Taehyung could only stare at his new kidnappers in fear, pressed into the furthest corner, away from the man sitting next to him. He wore a mask over his face, all of them did so Taehyung was surrounded by faceless men who were silent.

Silent and terrifying.

"W-where are you taking me?", he asked, shuffling in his seat, one hand gripping onto the door as if he could beam himself away. Taking a glance out of the window, Taehyung was rewarded with the sight of the distancing forest. Taking him away from Jungkook.

"Somewhere safe." The reply came from the man sitting next to him and Taehyung turned his head in order to look at him. His eyes were kind yet Taehyung wasn't still convinced. After all, these men too had taken him against his will, taking him somewhere unknown.

"W-will you hurt me?" His voice quivered. Taehyung was on the urge of tears, once more, which the men caught worried. They were told to handle the situation with great carefulness and not scare the target further.

They were also told not to tie him up or block his vision or gag him. Their boss had demanded for them to bring him Kim Taehyung unharmed and that was exactly what they were doing. After all, the little cutie meant a lot to their boss and they wanted to fulfill their mission without disappointing him.

"No, we won't", the second man in the backseat replied and leaned over his companion towards the scared little male pressed up against the car door. Taehyung flinched away with a little mewl.

"We will not hurt you, Taehyung-ssi. We're bringing you to someone who's going to be really relieved to see you out of Jeon's clutches", the man told Taehyung who looked at him with big, glossy eyes. He sniffled.


"Your brother, Sweetheart. We were hired by your brother to save you from Jeon."


Taehyung was moved out of the car with gentle hands, the men making sure no one had followed them to their final destination and once they secured the plan's success, they politely asked Taehyung to come with them.

Taehyung, hopeful to be reunited back with his brother and Momma, followed their lead but ended up stopping dead in his tracks once he got to catch a glimpse of the closer coming house. Then, he screamed.

Because the huge mansion towered high to the sky wasn't his home.

"Y-you liars! Let me go!", he screeched and attempted to run but two men prevented his escape, blocking his path. The white Chess Queen stumbled backwards with a gasped scream. He whimpered, backing away when the men approached him. Yet the look in their eyes was gentle, confusing the poor, scared male.

"Please, we don't want to scare you. Your brother is inside the mansion and would be delighted to see that his little brother is well", they tried to assure Taehyung but he wasn't convinced. Instead, he glared at them.

"My brother Namjoon would never be here!", he hissed angrily at them. The two men shared a confused look before the other spoke up, voice slow with confusion mixed into it.

"Of course not... we weren't hired by Kim Namjoon", he answered. Then, it clicked in Taehyung's mind and his head shot towards the mansion. A feeling of confusion, the hope formed deep inside of him. Because he understood yet Taehyung had never believed for this day to come.

"S-Seokjin Hyung?", he whispered hopefully and the men all nodded.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Kim is expecting you. Please, come with us", one of them respectfully bowed and finally, Taehyung unfroze and followed them timidly. Walking towards the grand mansion.

He was welcomed inside the mansion by a nervous looking maid who bowed at him. "Young master", she said, her voice trembled. Taehyung looked at her stunned for a moment but before he could grasp the full meaning of her words, another voice cut through the air.


The voice belonged to a stunning man walking, no running, up to Taehyung. The blond shrieked and flinched back once the man reached him, pain flickering in his eyes. The gorgeous man was absolutely breathtaking, clad in an expensive suit. He had black hair and his face was youthful.

Still, he looked so familiar, it hurt. Taehyung took a deep breath, staring up to the man who towered over him in four inches. The resemblance was undeniable. Could it really be...? That this was his brother who disappeared?

"Seokjin Hyung...?", Taehyung whispered, unsure of his words. But the man started to smile, a smile so beaming it showed his happiness. Then, the man moved forward and engulfed Taehyung with his arms.

"Yes, Babybear. Hyung's here to protect you now", Kim Seokjin whispered moved, finally reunited with his youngest brother, his TaeTae.

Taehyung slowly returned the hug until he was tightly squeezing his brother in his arms and he started to cry. "H-Hyung, I thought you were gone forever", Taehyung cried into Seokjin's shoulder who shushed him gently.

"How could I leave my little brother alone?", he cooed fondly, stroking Taehyung's golden curls. It's been such a long time, he had last seen Taehyung back when he had been a child and to see him now, beautiful and grown into a handsome young man, tugged on Jin's heart.

He wanted to explain why he had to leave his family.

"And J-Joonie, how is he? I was forbidden to approach you, for your safeties", Seokjin asked softly and heard Taehyung sniffling on his shoulder before he pulled away.

"He's okay... but Hyung, where were you all this time? And how could you find me? Who are all these men?", Taehyung demanded to know and Jin shot him a broken smile.

"So many questions, and all of them will be answered. But first, I want you to meet someone, the person who holds my heart next to my family", he said and made a waving movement with his hand. "Come on out, my Love", he called out.

There were footsteps coming closer and Taehyung squinted his eyes before he gasped, quickly pulling away from his brother.

He looked from Seokjin to the closer coming person who was engulfed with Jin's arms. An excusing look formed on both their faces.

"I'm sorry you had to find out about my boyfriend this way, but he was the only one who could approach you. If it was me, Jeon would've never let me inside his home. I'm sorry for what he did, trust me, he feels horrible but it was the only way to get you out of Jeon's clutches", Seokjin excused what he and his boyfriend did.

Taehyung could only stare at the male in front of him.

"Yoongi..." he whispered.



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