Chapter 12

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"You could've told me"

-Your Smith

Sofia's POV

"Are you sure you have to leave this early," Kai asked looking at the clock that read '9:30'.

"You've met my mom. I walk through the door at 10:45 and she'll kick my ass. When she said 11:00 she meant 9:00 I'm pushing it by coming back at 10:00," I chuckled.

"It's Saturday. There are so many fun things for us to do," she argued.

"Yes, well I'm not doing any of them unless they happen before 9:30. Plus we aren't supposed to be doing fun things. You're supposed to be tutoring me," I reminded her, walking over to my shoes.

"So we can't do anything fun while I'm tutoring you," she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed and stayed silent. We eventually made it to her garage. "Can you drive sweetheart?"

"Who me?" I asked. She dramatically looked around the garage before her eyes landed back on me. "I mean I can drive a little. I probably won't crash."

"Hmm," she said before grabbing a pair of keys from the wall and tossing them to me.

"You letting me push the challenger," I asked, catching them.

"In your wildest dreams. That is the Honda civic that was used to teach me how to drive. No offense to your parents but your sister can't drive. You gotta do better," she laughed.

"Hey don't do that. My mom had to teach her and bless her heart she can not drive either," I laughed.

"Sorry if this is personal but where is your dad," she asked. I tilted my head at her before getting in the Honda. She put my bags in the backseat and climbed into the passenger side. "You don't have to answer if it's too much."

"No, I can answer, it's just how long have you and Sage been dating," I asked.

"Six or seven months," she answered. I stared at her again, trying to maintain my cool. Sage has been dating my crush for damn near a year and never bothered to tell me. "Are you okay? Your face is changing colors?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just wondering how you don't know much about our life. Anyway, to answer your first question. Our dad is overseas. He's a Command Sergeant Major  in the army. He was supposed to be back in July, but the government can be real assholes. How do I turn on the fucking headlights," I said, growing more and more frustrated with every word.

"Hey, what's going on," she asked, grabbing my hands.

"Sorry I get mad about my dad," I said.

"You're lying to me. Why?"

"I just. I can't tell you what's going on. It's between my sister and I. I'm calm now," I said.

"Absolutely not. Emotional driving is as bad as distracted driving. You are not about to kill me in this damn car. Come on. Let's go to the challenger."

"But I really wanted to drive," I whined.

"Next time sweetheart. We have the rest of the year," she smiled at me. "Now come on."

"We're nothing more than friends"

-Anne Marie

Kai's POV

I looked over at Sophie's sad face while at the stop light.

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