Chapter 7

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"I hate it when you do that shit"
-Lil Wayne

Kai's POV
I walked in the cafeteria and spotted Sage. "Hey baby," she shouted to me.

"Hey bae," I said giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "You brought lunch yet," I asked.

"No I was thinking we could go out to lunch," she said. I shook my head no instantly.

"Actually I have something to do that requires me to stay here," I said with a face that mimicked me being remorseful. I was actually far from it I figured out what I was gonna do for Sofia.

"Oh what you doing," she asked disappointed.

"I'm planning a party for your sister," I said expecting her to be excited instead I got a reaction that was way left field.

"What the fuck you mean you can't go to lunch with me because you're doing something for her," she said practically spitting out the last word.

"Well we're partners in class and she's a cool ass kid, she deserves something nice," I said choosing my words carefully.

"Makaila you don't get it you guys are partners in class not motherfucking best friends," she yelled causing everybody's eyes to drift to us.

"I would do the same for you," I said.

"Exactly Kai but I'm your girlfriend she's not," she yelled even louder. I just shook my hed and walked away quite frankly I was tired of her shit. Her constant attention cravings and her jealousy. We've been going out for nearly 6 months, but she decided to keep it a secret for whatever reason and now that everyone now she's constantly causing a scene. I'm regretting my decision to make this relationship public.

Sofia's POV

"Makaila," I said in the deepest voice I could muster up. She turned around confused.

"Girl you sounded like a man," she said. I smiled.

"That was the goal," i said before studying her face. She seemed sad. "You ok?"

"Oh you missed what happened in the cafeteria," she questioned.

"Yeah I was in gym," I said holding up the boxing gloves that she managed to miss.

"Oh just girl problems," she answered, and I figured I was my sister. "You box and do karate," she said seemingly impressed.

"I also dance and sing occasionally. I've been in a few plays and I cheerlead. I've played soccer for a year, followed by basketball, tried my hand at softball, now I'm in yoga," I answered looking at him. She just raised my eyebrows. So I continued. "My dad is a bit of a perfectionist and in order to be perfect we must be perfect at everything," I said starting my walk towards the cafeteria.

"Wow that's a lot of pressure," she said following me.

"Yeah but it's worth it. I can honestly say I've completed everything I've tried to do. Who else can say that, although it does give me constant anxiety I won't be able to live up the expectations I set for myself. Yay mental health problems," I smiled. We entered the cafeteria and she looked around unsure. "You're always welcome to my table of cool kids," I smiled.

"I need to talk to Marco, Marie, and the rest of them anyway," she said.

"Oh what we talking about," I asked smiling.

"Oh not you wait here," she said walking towards my table. I frowned and walked towards the lunch line. I wonder what she's up to.

"I'm a bitch"
-Meredith Brooks

Sage's POV

"But I don't understand what I did to make you so angry," Sofia whined as she trailed me to the car. I put my hand up for her to be silent but she kept going. "Why are you so mad at me Sage. I'm sorry for whatever I did please don't be mad," she apologized for just about the fifteenth time.

"Shut up Sofia. I don't wanna hear your annoying ass voice anymore," I said breaking my silence. She looked at me with tears in her eyes before running the opposite way of the car. "Sofia if you don't come back. I'ma leave you," I shouted but she kept running. I rolled my eyes at her temper tantrum and climbed in the car.

When I finally got home, I called out to see if Sofie had gotten home yet, but unfortunately she hadn't. I hope she didn't get kidnapped. How could I possibly explain that to Daddy, and still get my new shoes. I groaned and sat on the couch to watch T.V. She'll probably be home soon.

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