Chapter 23

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Sofia's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, before remembering I was in Kai's bed. The original plan was to watch the office with her, but I guess I fell asleep. I looked around the room, not seeing her at all. I wrapped myself in the throw she kept on her bed and walked to the kitchen figuring that's where I would find her.

"What time is it," I asked groggily when I entered the kitchen.

"Five," she answered, sparing a smile over her shoulder. "You look cozy."

"I am. I'm sleepy," I said sitting on the barstool, and putting my head on the counter.

"I don't really need your help for the rest of the process if you wanna go back to sleep," she said.

"I'm here to entertain," I mumbled. She chuckled, and I don't remember anything else, until I heard an unfamiliar voice and language. Kai's voice rang out with a giggle and answered in the same unfamiliar language. I removed my head from the counter making sure to run my hand across my mouth for any drool that might have left my mouth in my impromptu slumber. The conversation between Kai and a very attractive woman continued until Kai noticed I was staring at them.

"Welcome back, sleeping beauty," Kai said, hugging me from behind. I leaned into her hug. "Sally, this is Sofia. Sofia, this is Sally. She helps around the house."

"Oh, you're Sofia," Sally said, extending her hand. I tried to shake her hand but instead of it being smooth. I fumbled through the blanket not being able to find the exit. Sally giggled and offered a side hug instead, not separating Kai from my back, so it ended in an awkward group hug.

"I put a toothbrush in Kai's bedroom since you seem to like her room more than the guest room," she said, giving me a cheeky grin before prancing out of the kitchen. My face flushed with embarrassment.

"What language was that," I asked.

"The language of my people," she answered. What is she half Filipino?


"Tagalong?! like the girl scout cookie? No, it wasn't Tagalog it was Cebuano," she answered. I kissed my teeth.

"I have a public school American education you're lucky I didn't ask if you were speaking Filipino." I said. She shrugged.

"Filipino is a language, but it's a whole thing. It's mainly based of Tagalog. Anyway go get dressed its three options for you to put on. They are in my room. We have thirty minutes before we have to start piling stuff in the jeep. Yeah?"

I nodded and hopped off the bar stool bringing the throw with me. When I got the room. I saw that the bed that had looked used before was made up and everything was in place. Damn must be nice to have someone to clean up after you everyday. I looked at the array of clothes hanging up by tri fold mirror, and went for the black skirt, tights, button up and sweater combo. It's giving college, and I wanted to appear older. I looked at the writing on the sweatshirt. It read 'Kai's Kusina.' Thats a cute name.

I quickly got dressed and headed out to help Kai. After about an hour, we were in the car and heading to the event. "Are you nervous," I asked turning down whatever Roddy Rich song was playing.

"A little. I hope everyone likes the food," she said letting a deep breath out.

"They're used to getting Chipotle. I'm sure your food will be amazing," I affirmed. She smiled at me before squeezing my thigh allowing her hand to continue resting there. When we arrived, my mom was there waiting.

"Kai," she said, completely ignoring me. I looked at her in disbelief.

"Yes ma'am," Kai answered.

"You're on time. I appreciate that. I have everything set up with warmers. Just bring your food.," she said.

"Okay thank you. Does Sofia know where to go," Kai asked. My mom looked over at me and smiled.

"Well doesn't my youngest look beautiful," my mom asked pulling me in for a hug. I smiled back at her.

"Yes, she does," Kai said. I blushed and my mom squinted darting her eyes between us.

"Do you remember where the employee parking lot is," my mom asked me. I nodded. "Okay it's there. I have to get back to work. Tell the security at the intercom you're caterers for the nurses. The nurses will be down in a bout thirty minutes. Is that fine?"

"Yes ma'am," Kai answered.

"Okay. I love you baby. See you soon," she said, kissing my forehead, before hurrying away. Kai and I got back in the car, and I led her to the employee parking lot. When we arrived, I sent the location to a special guest before putting me phone away and getting back to working with kai. Everything was going without a hitch.

"Everybody is enjoying the food," I smiled at kai.

"I see," she grinned back.

"Makaila," my mom said walking up to us, with a half-finished plate.

"Yes" she asked.

"Somebody is here looking for you, do you want me to send him over," she asked.

"Umm sure," she said looking at me confused. I shrugged with a small smile, and an average sized, attractive man made his way through the crowd.

"Tatay," she squealed, running from behind the counter and jumping on him, engulfing him in a hug. "How'd you get here. How'd you know?"

"My incredible daughter. I wouldn't miss your first event for the world. Plus, I had some very strong convincing from someone who really cares about you," he smiled at her with adoring eyes. I smiled at the scene and my mom did too. Kai looked at me.

"Did you text him yesterday?"

I nodded at her, and she climbed down from him before running to me, grabbing my face and giving me a kiss. Before I could think of how to react to my first kiss her lips were gone. "Thank you so much," she whispered, her lips still against mine. My mom cleared her throat, and it quickly brought me back to the scene. I felt my face flush. I looked at my mom and her dad, who was smiling at the scene, a juxtaposition to my mother's frown.

"Well, I'm going to get back to my nurses," my mom said, giving a look saying I would have questions from her later.

"I'm Cristano, nice to you Sofia," her dad said holding his hand out.

"Nice to meet you to, Mr. Cristano," I smiled accepting his hand in mine.

"Good to know someone is looking out for her, while I'm gone," he said kissing my hand in an appreciative gesture. "Alright what can I help with?"


Okay, I hope this chapter is good to yall! 

All the people going through finals or about to go through finals Good luck!!!

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