Chapter 3

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"Friends how many of us have them"

Sofia's POV
"Sofia to the front office," a voice said through the speaker system. I smiled grabbed my things and ran out of geometry.

"Marco," I said entering the office, "Right in time."

"I know I know. I'm amazing," he said singing the last words. "Ok so guess who you're gonna love even more."

"What did you do," I asked exctingly.

"Ok so I heard that this girl, Sarah, was partners with Kai in Parenting class but she had to drop it to take her final math class so there was a spot open in the class. So guess who took the liberty as top office aid to make sure that my beautiful rose was in that class," he said beaming.

"Oh My God Marco you didn't," I said clapping.

"Yes I did. So you no longer have body building you have parenting with Kai and it's a strong possibility ya'll might be partners, which is great because the first semester ya'll spend time getting to know each other and the second semester ya'll have a baby. Hello instant couple," he said popping his collar.

"Marco I freaking love you," I shouted.

"Ssh," Ms.Long, the secretary said.

Marco rolled his eyes. "She needs dick," he whispered, and I giggled. "Anyway you start today and I better be maid of freaking honor at ya'lls wedding."

Kai's POV

I looked at Jermaine and one of his girls arguing and sighed. Ok this is getting tiring. "Excuse me," I said walking over to them. "J, we gotta go to class man."

"Alright, Look Stephanie I'll hit you up later," he said.

"No fuck her. She can walk to class on her own. She got feet shit she can fucking go," she said. See I done told him about messing with them hoodrats. He had his choice of girls, I mean he had everything from preppy valley girls to goth to dancers, but no he goes for hoodrat.

"Steph I told you I ain't messing around," he said.

"Hey J," a girl said harmlessly, before continuing her journey.

"Who was she and why was she smiling at you so gotdamn hard," Stephanie asked.

"She's just a girl from my art class babe. Why you tripping?"

"Because these hoes want my man," she yelled loud enough the girl to hear, and the girl quickly stopped in her tracks, and pivoted.

"What," she said walking back towards Stephany. Now stephany always talk shit but I never seen her fight.

"I said these hoes," was all she managed to get out before the girl swung and hit Steph directly in the jaw.

"Oh shit," Jermaine shouted.

"Break 'em up," I said.

"Wait let them fight a little bit more," he said. I rolled my eyes and walked over to break up the fight. Just as I reached them the bell rang to exit first period. Great another absence for Makaila Brown, I just shook my head at the detention I was going to get.

"Break it up," I said to the two girls, before damn near getting pummeled by a crowd of over enthusiastic high school students. I just stepped back, I tried.

Family Affairs [Stem x Fem]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora