Chapter 21

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Sophia's POV

Kai juggled all my bags in her hands as we walked into my house. "I could have carried something," I giggled watching her struggle.

"I got it," she said.

"Right," I said, running up the stairs to my room. She followed, throwing the bags on my bed.

"Okay do I need a certain outfit for the catering," I asked.

"Oh shit," she said, "I didnt even think about that." She walked over to my closet messily taking things out looking at them then throwing them on my bed in disapproval.

"I sure do hope you reorganizing my closet miss mamas," I said watching her destroy my room.

"I'll do whatever you ask me to Sophie," she said back.

"Sophia, help me figure out how to get Kai back," Sage said, opening my door.

"Ummm. Kai how would you like for Sage to win over your heart. While you two discuss this I'm going to go change into some workout clothes. Depending on how long this convo is I might go for a run," I said.

"It's not going to be that long. Just change. I have a gym in my house," Kai said.

"Oh she rich," I chuckled, closing the door behind me. What I would give to be a fly on the wall. I sat on the couch waiting for them to come down.

"Sophia," I heard Kai yell from my room. I ran up the stairs before collecting myself and cooly strolling into my room.

"Yes," I asked.

"Solve this riddle for me," Kai said. I nodded my head. " Say your dating somebody-"

"She's never been in a relationship. You can't ask her," Sage yelled.

"So what is she fucking dumb? No she can answer a question," Kai yelled back.

"She can't because hypotheticals are different from real world application," Sage argued.

"Mom, Dad, please don't argue," I said hoping to ease the tension.

"You're right. Sophia, are your clothes packed for the weekend," Kai asked looking at me.

"Yeah," I said, grabbing a duffle out the corner.

"I cleaned the clothes off your bed. Invite me over later to completely reorganize your closet. I just kinda stuffed them in," she said, taking the duffle bag off my shoulder and storming out the room.

"You're staying there all weekend," Sage asked.

"Yeah apparently we're doing something for my birthday. I wish you were not dating her so I could be even more excited, but you know, you ruined that," I said, tossing a smile in her direction.

"Wait Sophie. I'm sorry about your phone," she said. "If we're speaking candidly, which I guess I should because it's all falling apart anyway. I'm jealous of you!"

My head involuntarily flew back with surprise. "Jealous of who," I asked. She couldnt be talking about me.

"You, Duh. I get it, I'm me, ya know, and who wouldn't wanna be me," she said.

"Good talk," I answered, rolling my eyes and trying to push past her.

"I'm not done talking Sophia, anyway, I'm jealous of the fact that you don't have all the pressure I do. Like you just live your life doing what you want with no consequences. You don't have to worry about staying relevant, making sure your grades are high, making sure every picture that someone takes of you is perfect, and everything else I have to worry about," she whined.

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