Chapter 22

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Kai's POV

I looked at Sofia as she waltzed in the kitchen, more comfortable than she was the first time. "Are you wearing my shirt," I asked, noticing her attire.

"Yeah," she said, doing a spin. "I forgot my pajamas in the midst of all the drama. Do you mind?" I looked her up and down as she stirred under my stare. "I can just change into an outfit I have for Sunday and we can go back to my house tomorrow," she suggested, clearly uncomfortable. "I just thought that-"

"You look great, I don't mind," I settled on.

"Are you sure," she asked, tucking an imaginary piece of hair behind her ear, considering her hair was in a braided ponytail.

"I'm quite positive. You should wear my clothes more often. You can have that shirt. I think it looks better on you than it does on me."

She smiled at me and looked at the floor. "Thanks," she muttered.

"No problem. Now come help me. Do you know how to chop vegetables," I asked.

"I think so," she said, stepping closer. I reveled in her scent. The soap she used smelled of strawberry and champagne.

"Okay, I need you to cut the corn off of the cob so we can prepare the corn salsa," I said, getting the corn out the fridge. I sat them in front of her with a cutting board and bowl.

"Why don't you use canned corn," she asked, looking at the cob like it was a mystery.

"In a pinch we could but we have time to prepare, so I'd prefer fresh ingredients." She nodded and we worked in silence while Blaxt played over the speaker. I snuck glances at her every chance I got. Would it fucked up to date my ex's sister? It would, right? There is no way she feels this connection back. Perhaps she is just being friendly with me because she wanted to be nice to Sage's girlfriend, and I'm the dumbass who is mistaking her kindness for advances. She caught me staring and smiled at me, before going back to diligently cutting the corn.

"I'm done, sorry if it took too long," she said. I hummed before going to evaluate her work. It wasn't as perfect as I would like it, but it was good enough.

"It's great, Thanks Soph," I said.

"What now?"

"Wash your hands, then dice the onions," I said, sliding them to her. Her eyes widened.

"Okay," she whispered and about two minutes later she proceeded to butcher it.

"Wait shawty, what did that poor onion do to you to deserve that sort of death, and you're going to cut yourself," I said before getting behind her. "Get a new one." She nodded following my direction and I put my hand over hers when she picked up the knife. "Okay curl your fingers that are on the onion, so you don't cut them off. Now nice and gentle with the knife," I said, guiding her hand. "Like that, you see?" She nodded, and I stepped back. I heard an audible breath as I stepped away. I thought about apologizing for invading her personal space, but I didn't regret it, so I kept my mouth shut. The kitchen filled with Jhene while she hummed and diced the onion. I focused on making my marinades and let all thoughts about her leave my brain. After what seemed like an hour passed, I heard a camera shutter and looked up with a smile. The camera went off again.

"These pictures will be great for when you have a documentary out," she said.

"A documentary for what," I asked.

"When you're a chef with Michelin stars and they wanna know your roots," she smiled at me. I felt a blush rise and cleared my throat.

"You gonna still be around when I'm successful," I asked.

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