Chapter 16

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Sofie's POV

"So let me get this straight," Marco said, before rolling his eyes to the back of his head like he was so exasperated. "Your bitch of a sister decided to do your makeup, which looks amazing by the way, you are really stunning right now. Anyway she did your makeup to talk to you...wait no, not talk to you, to soften you up so that she can ask you to not steal Kai from her, after she stole Kai from you?"

"It's not like that. I mean I've been reflecting and Kai isnt property to steal so-" I answered before he interrupted.

"No ma'am fuck all that. Its sounding like," he started.

"Manipulation," Mickey cut in.

"Thats exactly what its giving and you eating out of her crumb snatching, woman stealing, little hands," Marco said and Mickey nodded in agreement. I shrugged.

"Probably but maybe I should try with someone else instead of fighting over Kai. I don't even think she's into me," I said, running my fingers through my hair. Marco scowled at me and Mickey rolled her eyes.

"You are so dumb, but enough about you. Do y'all know Jayden?" Marco asked.

"The lightskin one on the football team," I asked.

"Yes," he smiled.

"Who," Mickey asked.

"You don't know anybody. I'm not about to do this with you. Anyway Kai asked him to pick me up, right," he said flipping his none existent hair and pursing his lips. "So he pull up and I get in looking all cute and thick," I looked at his flat ass and smiled. "He talking about he been looking my way since august, and wanna see if he can get a little piece of my time."

"And you said," I asked hyped for him.

"And I said, 'Boy you can have a piece of whatever with your fine ass,'" he said sticking his tongue out in a Cardi B esque move.

"Boo you whore," Mickey giggled.

"I'm tryna slut him out," he said doing his version of a twerk. When his celebration ended we turned to Mickey.

"Well I've been getting straight A's in school," she nodded.

"Girl, don't nobody care about that. What's up with Jerimiah?" Marco asked. She looked around before smiling at us.

"I'm about to go skate with him now actually," she said. "I'll see you guys later!"

I watched her skate off in disbelief. "Dang its just us," I said turning to Marco before realizing I was watching his back as he skated to Jayden. "Dang its just me," I said to no one in particular. I nodded my head to the beat of the Drake song that was on and laughed at the school feeling the need to edit out the word 'lesbian.' Getting in the grove of skating I started flying past the inexperienced and those on a smooth slow ride. I like to go fast so I can hit my turns and tricks when I want to. I continued to go over Sage's words knowing she was correct, I do need to find someone. My friends were going to be boo'd up soon and being a third wheel is no fun. "Watch out," I yelled to the person who fell in front of me. They did not watch out and I tumbled over them trying to avoid rolling over their fingers. I hit the floor with an oof. I quickly scrambled to get up knowing that the floor is a dangerous place in a skating rink. I turned to look at the girl still on the floor. "Are you okay," I asked reaching my hand out to help her up.

"You almost knocked my head off my shoulders," she said accepting my hand.

"You almost took out my knees. Who makes a relaxing time on the floor. You get up when you fall. That's one of the first rules of skating," I said, snatching my hand back from her. She started wobbling and almost hit the floor again. I steadied her and watched people whiz by us. I extended my hand again and she quickly grabbed it. "Have you ever skated before," I asked. She quickly shook her head, moving her hands further up my arm until she basically linked elbows with me. I slowly moved us to the middle of the rink where the beginners can safely skate. "Here, learn to skate."

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