Shot 1

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Here is the most awaited chapter...

*Sexual Content Ahead*



New York

Sanyukta walked out of the airport and grinned at her friend Megan. They hugged each other.

"Finally you're here," Megan said breaking the hug.

"Of course. Let's go. I'm already hungry." Sanyu said taking her bag and they walked to the car.

They sit in the car and Megan started driving the car.

"So now tell me the reason behind your coming here?" She asked.

"I got a call from Shekhawat Empires and they called me for an interview," Sanyu replied with a deep sigh.

"If I'm not wrong then the money isn't a problem for you. I guess your ex-boss Ethan was paying you well and also you both were on good terms of fucking each other. Then why here?" She asked again.

"I just wanted to move out of that city and I got the opportunity. Ethan was my good fuck buddy and also an amazing boss but I don't want to stick around with him forever." She replied with a shrug and Megan chuckled.

"Well, you got it right. You know Raindhir Shekhawat is a big fuck boy and if you get selected then trust me he'll fuck you to the death." She said winking at her and Sanyu rolled her eyes.

"We'll see that," Sanyu said looking out of the window.

"Alright tell me when was the first time Ethan fucked you? I mean I'm kind of curious." She asked with a shrug and Sanyu laughed.

"Five months ago. In his cabin and on his table. After that, we started fucking each other often. Sometimes at his house or some time at mine. Also on a business tour or anywhere we got chance." Sanyu replied remembering that period of her life.

"Wow... great. Did you ever fuck another boy after Ethan? I mean were you fucking another boy when you were with Ethan?" She asked more curiously.

"Of course I did and he knew about it. We weren't in a relationship so it's cool. I also didn't bother him." Sanyu says with a shrug.

Megan parked her car and they got out of it. Sanyu took her luggage and they went into the elevator. The elevator got stopped on the 44th floor and both got out of the car.

"Here is your penthouse. I'm just a call away." She said handling her key and going back into the elevator.

Sanyu walked into her new penthouse and was amazed by seeing the modern furniture. It was huge than her previous one. She got herself a room and arranged her clothes in the closet. She took a shower and lay on the bed naked and fall in deep slumber.


The Next Day

Shekhawat Empires

Randhir was checking some files and doing his usual work. He heard a knock and gave permission to let that person in. A man clad in a black suit enters and greeted him.

"Sir, the candidates are here." He spoke politely.

"Get them in one by one." Randhir mouthed coolly and she nodded her head then walked out of his cabin.

He nodded and left from there. He leaned on his chair and waited for the first contestant. One by one all-girl candidate come and gave interviews but he didn't find anyone perfect for his personal assistant's post. Some were too whiny, some were looking like an actual whore who was showing their unnecessary body, some were showing tantrums and fake attitudes which he didn't like.

Burning in Desire (18+)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora