Chapter 36

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Throughout the next day me and Kam would be surrounded they all would say what a great job me and Kam did. It was exhausting, but when the day was over me, Emily and Kim went to the mall half an hour away to get our dresses and shoes for the party Robert Downey Jr invited us all to. It was in a fancy hotel that had a ball room.

When we all get to the mall, I put on a hat and stuff my hair in it.Kim and Emily laugh at me but I just ignore them. "This is girl time I don't want any fans to ruin it." "No go ahead we like the attention." "Piggy." I call them, they hit my arm making me laugh. "No seriously you look ridiculous." Kim says with a smile. I huff and take the hat off. We grab our purses and get out of my fancy car.

I put on sunglass. They laugh at me again. "Stop seriously I felt like I hsvent had any girl time in so long." I stomp my foot making then laugh. "Ok, ok." They hold their hands up. We walk in the mall, which was very busy and went to a store with fancy dresses. We looked at all kinds of dresses and tried them on. After an hour Emily found a beautiful red dress that was low cut and had a huge slit up her leg almost to her waist. Not to long after Kim found a beautiful dress that was sleeveless and the top was peach with red designs on it while the skirt was a peach color.

She looked amazing in it. It took me a long while to find a dress, so a store clerk came over. "Wow Davina Garcia!" She says loudly. "Shhhh!!!" I quiet her as I look down and cover my face. "Sorry." She whispers. "It's fine I need help finding a dress. A fancy floor length dress." "Ok is there a color and a preference you'd like?" "2 piece, flower but not poofy. I don't care about the color. Maybe like a blue?" I ask, "A dress just came in what size are you?" "Small." She nods and leaves.

I look at my friends and roll my eyes "So after this we can get shoes!" Kim claps. I chuckle. "Ok." I look at the woman, she was really pretty, brunette, decent height. Pretty green eyes. She hands me a bag with a smile. "Try it on!" I chuckle and head into the changing room. I unzip the dress, and gasp it was just beautiful. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I quickly but carefully put it on and walked doit with a smile. They all gasp, "Beautiful!" The clerk said. "I'll get this one Kim will get that one and Emily will get that one." I point to the dresses.

She nods. I go back and change into me regular crop top and shorts. I hand her the bag as my friends hand her their dresses. She looks at me a little longer, I chuckle. "Would you like a picture?" Her eyes widen, then she nods quickly. I take off my sunglasses. "Just this once I'm off duty today." She nods, Emily takes the dresses, the clerk fumbles for her phone, drops it but I catch it. "Wow fast reflexes." I smile, "You get them when you are a clumsy dancer." "Oh your not clumsy at all."

"You haven't seen me or Kam she we are learning a dance." "It's hilarious." Emily pipes up, "And painful." I add. She laughs, I go over to her and smile, standing next to her. She takes a picture a huge smile on her face. "Wanna do a funny one?" She nods. I turn sideways and lean my head back with my tongue out and a wink with a peace sign. She leans her head sideways sticking her tongue out and a peace sign. She snaps a picture, I step back with a smile, putting my glasses back on. "I didn't expect you to be so nice. Isn't it annoying with all the paparazzi and what not."

She asks as we head to the front desk. "Yes it can be if I am swarmed by them and all the bright flashes. But a few people isn't so bad." She nods ringing the dresses all up. I pay for the, thank her and walk out. We head to a shoe store looking for the perfect shoes. It didn't take long Emily found a beautiful pair of red heels, Kim found a cute pair of peach heels and I found the perfect baby blue heels. With that we left and just went to store and bought some clothes while talking and laughing.

We then went to eat in the food court. We stayed there just talking about everything and anything. Then we left."So I didn't want to ask in public but how is the sex with Asher?" Emily smirks, I glance at her. "Sex with Mark is awesome. He is so sweet." Kim says with a smile. I shake my head laughing "And Cole is like so hot in bed!" Emily pipes up. I shake my head, "I don't want to know about my friends sex life." "Oh come on!" Kim and Emily pouts. I huff, "Fine it is amazing." "That's all??" Emily asks, I nod as I laugh.

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