Chapter 20

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We wake up to our alarms all blaring throughout the hotel room. I turn my off groaning I pull the covers over my head laying on my stomach I see Asher's bare chest next to me over go over and my my head down on his 6 pack it was surprisingly comfy. "Babe wake up." "I am now shut up so I can go back to sleep."

Then I get jumped on. "KAM!" "Nope not Kam." "Mason!" Then I feel Kam jump on Asher. I groan and pull the covers down. I glare atthem both. "I hate u Kam!" I say. I close my eyes again. Kam gets up and does something . "Kitten?" I look up and see a huge cup of coffee. "I love you Kam!"

My friends laugh and I take the cup of coffee and drink it after a few sips i hug Kam. "Your my favorite person ever!" My boyfriend scoffs, crossing his arms I smile and jump on him. "My friends just watch trying not to laugh. "Then gove me some coffee?" He then smiles. "I have better news. Go get dressed and get ready then I will show you." I narrow my eyes at him.

All my friends  were smiling. I grab my bag. "Dress in something that is cool or is very hot in Hawaii." Kam yelled I flip him the finger. I get put my makeup and hair stuff then dress in a white tank top that stops above my belly buttons and a tan skirt. One side is longer then the other. Leave my hair down putting it in little waves. I then put on natural makeup.i put tan heels on and walk out of the bathroom.

i put tan heels on and walk out of the bathroom

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Everyone is dressed. I pit my things in my bag. I carry one bag and Asher carries the other. Mason covers Kam's eyes. Asher covers mine "baby what are you doing?" "It is a surprise the judges forgot to mention." We walk somewhere then I stand next to Kan I am guessing.

Then I remove Asher's hands. I then see a motorcycle that is red and black then my dream car. It's a red and black Mercedes AMG Project One. I scream and run to my new car. Kam runs to his motorcycle and on both my sides it says Davina Garcia Championships. In big white letters. " we are gonna be bringing the car. Not the motorcycle because they are not allowed in Hawaii."

Asher says. Kam nods. "Davina, you, me, Kam, and Masin are riding in your new car. And the reason they got you this is because someone stole your other car and Kam's car stopped working." My boyfriend said. I shake my head. "I could care less right now. Come on get in!" The people riding with me get in. Asher grabbed my hand. I back out and started to drive to the airport. It was ab hour and a half away. With my new car and Emily's Lamborghini we could make it in one hour.

Asher kissed my head then fell asleep. Kam already did. "Do you like your new car?" Mason asks. "I love it. It goes so fast." My mind was somewhere else. Mason noticed. "Davina what's wrong?" "Asher is keeping something from me and I dont know what." "Ok then go for a wall with him by yourself and demand what he is keeping from you." "Its not like that Mark. It's something deep. Something heavy that is holding him down."

Mark thinks. "I... Dont know what to say to that." I nod. We get to the airport and we go through a special gate. I stop the car. Asher and Kam wake up. "Identify yourself." The guard said. "Davina Garcia." I show him my license. "Ok Davina is anyone else with you in a different car?" "Yes the red Lamborghini behind me." "Ok you may go through you are using Claire's private jet is the last one all the way down there are guards that will put your car in it, and some will grab you and your friends things."

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