Chapter 13

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I wake up to my alarm going off and I get up and get dressed into a white dress that goes a few inches above my knees. I curl my hair and put on natural makeup. I grab my bag with my stuff and my purse with my water, keys, and phone.

I wat an apple and I go outside. I see Emily's car that has Cole, Herself, Kim and Mark. Kam and Asher come out of his house and they get in my car. I back up and lead the way. After 3 hours we make it and it is 10:30. We park the cars and i lock mine. I open the door. "Grandma Grandpa!!" "In the kitchen dear " my grandma yells we set our things down. I close the door and I walk them to the kitchen.

She looks up and smiles kindly. She takes off her apron. "Grandma these are my friends. This is Kam, Asher, Colten, Mark, Emily and Kim. Guys this is my grandma." "Hi. So what do we call you?" Kim says. "Grandma." My friends shrug. She smiles.

We all talk with her. Then we watch a movie eating her home made ice cream with her homemade fudge. "Grandma?" I ask. She look at me smiling. "Thank you. Where is grandpa?" "He is out he will be home in a few minutes." Then he comes in. He looks at me then my friends. He stands next to grandma.

"Papa, these are my friends, Asher, Kim, Emily, Mark, Colten or Cole for shirt then Kam." I say pointing to them he hugs them all. "Wait your dance partner ash best friend Kam?" I nod. He hugs Kam. "Thank you for making my granddaughter happy by dancing with her and also for not dropping her. And for giving me and my wife heart attacks." Kam laughs. "Its all good sir." "Ohh, call me Grandpa. A friend of our grand daughter is another grand child." They say.

I laugh and so does everyone else. "Thank you papa." He hugs me. We all watch movies. "Can we see your dance you both are doing?" "We cant really do it good but here is the video we are gonna do." I show them and they hold their hearts. I laugh. "Wow. Please don't drop her she already has been dropped when she was a baby." Papa says. We all laugh. "But can we see you both dance?" Grandma says.

"We can do some." I say. They nod "let us go change and be aware he dances with no shirt on and I dance in just a sports bra and leggings or just shorts." They nod. "Well it must get really hot." Papa says. I nod. Me and Kam head upstairs. I change into a cute sports bra that is purple and it crosses down my back and around my tummy to my bottoms that are also the sale and that cross down to my knees. I put on my special shoes.

Kam comes out. "I like that." I smile. "Thanks I bought it online." He lies on his special shoes. I grab my phone and my speaker. We all the boys pushing the furniture it was hard wood floor which makes it easier and dangerous. We do stretches. "We are gonna do a warm up dance first." They nod. I put on Skyscraper.

Once we are done everyone claps. "Do another one!" My grandparents say. I laugh me and Kam go through my play lost and we find the perfect song. Unsteady.

Halfway through this dance I hear my grandma say. "Oh my god. You better not drop my granddaughter." We both laugh but carry on with the dance once we are done I laugh and Kam helps me up. "Grandma if you think that one is dangerous than wait till our dance we are gonna do." I say as I walk over to her. Kam was next to me.

"Oh god." She says. We all laugh. I smile. "Grandma please don't have a heart attack. I still need you." She rolls her eyes. Then takes a deep breath. "Ok, ok show me." "Don't be scared if Kam drops me it happened before." Her eyes go wide. I laugh. I give Asher my phone. I stand off and Kam starts once the music begins. Then I run over and right in front of him I am in the same position then I start to dance.

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