Chapter 22

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I wake up to water being splashed on me. I scream awake and sit up. I see Josh the leader. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." He said. "Well without the eggs and bacon, at least." I roll my eyes. "Ya know," He kneels down in front of me. I was back in my caged room, my hands were chained because last night I tried to escape.

I see keys around his neck. I look back in his eyes. "I know Asher is coming, and coming soon, your the love of his life and when he comes here and tries to get you. I'll kill him. And I will make you watch as I do it." "Why? What did he ever do to you?"

"Wow, I though he would of told you by know." "What? Was he your friend or something?" "Something." Then he laughs hysterically. Is he mental? What is so funny? Phsycho. "We used to be friends. Then when we got older, I developed feelings for him. I'm gay, and when I told him he said he would never date anyone like me, and that he isn't gay. He said this all so nicely. So you know what I did for revenge because he turned me down?"

"What?" "I killed his father, the one person he loved the most. His mother was out and he was alone. I killed his father right in front of his eyes. And now I am gonna kill you in front of him." "Your doing this all because he turned your psycho ass down!" I yelled in his face. He slapped me. I fell to the ground. "Yes I am." "You are a psycho and maniac! This is all so stupid because he turned you down. And you took me because your jealous!" I yell.

He pulled me up by my hair. He raised his hand and reached down and grabbed my phone. I gasped. "I know you have had this all along. The reason I let you keep this is because Cole is tracking your phone. And in a day all your dreams will blow because you will be dead and so will your Asher baby." He was right in my face.

I collected saliva in my mouth and I spit in his face. He wiped it off and yanked me up on my hair. He then threw me across the room. I screamed, I knew I bruised some ribs and sprained my wrist. He walked out. I put my phone back in my bra. I took out the note and read it again.

Hey babe we went out for a walk we will be back in half an hour I love you with all my heart. Your awesome boyfriend, Asher.

I smiled with tears going down my face. I read it over, and over, and over, and over again. I don't know how long I sat and cried for. It could have been seconds, minutes, hours. I wasn't keeping track. Soon Josh came back. He had stale bread and a quarter glass of water. He left the room. I crawled over and drank a tiny sip of water.

I nibbled on the bread. when the bread was halfway gone and the water gone I went back to my small bed. He came back and took the tray of food. "I will spare you a beating tonight." He then left. The room got cold quick. I was shivering. I looked at the temperature in the room it was going down. They were trying to freeze me to death in here. I went back to my bed and out the blanket on me.

I brought my knees to my chest, and that is how I fell asleep. The next day I woke up and was sweating my ass off. I looked at it and it said 103% they want to freeze me at night and sweat my ass off during the day. Josh comes in smiling. "Asher will be here soon so." He came to me and took out tape. My eyes widen.

I try to run away but in my heels I fell. He grabbed my hair and pulled me up. He then backhanded me. He taped my mouth and my feet. He took me to my bed and chained me. "Have fun dyeing of heat. Don't worry your precious boyfriend will join you soon." He slapped me and left. It was soon getting to the point where I couldn't take it much longer. Asher hurry!

I don't know how long I was sweating for. I turned my head and saw I have been tied up for 2 hours. A while later I heard fighting outside my room. I was praying it was Asher and my friends. It was getting hard to breath. I am sure I smelled like shit from sweating for hours on end. The door was busted open.

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