Chapter 8

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"I'm jealous of your life." "W-What? W-Why?" My eyes widen. "I didn't have a nice car, friends, loving parents, siblings, a nice school, a nice house, cute clothes, tattoo's that matched my friends, cute friends, loving friends, I couldn't even dance as well as you." "So what does this have to do with you being a bitch to you daughter?"

"Because I was upset about everything you had so I tried making your life worse. But your big heart and your words that you said to me earlier finally broke me, finally it made me realize that I was being a bitch and that I have made so many terrible mistakes in my life but the one I regret the most is not being there when you needed me the most, me not being there when you needed help."

"It made me realize that I was the one that broke our family into pieces, making them wonder when the next fight will happen. Making them all realize that their parents don't love each other and I was the one breaking the family, putting stress on my kids, making them do my work because I am to lazy to. And making you feel like shit because yo were the one that stopped me and your father from fighting worse."

Tears spilled out of her eyes like a river. I also had tears in my eyes and they were slowly moving down my face. "And I am sorry for making you do my work. Making you miss out on being a child because you were always stopping the fights with me and your dad, taking care of Darlene while me and your father were fighting and Diana was with all her friends all the time because of our fights. We dragged you in our fights over and over and over again."

Tears now fell freely down my face. "I know you won't forgive me, ever. but I want us to bond again, if you want after I leave your dad. I am getting an apartment a few blocks away. You don't have to forgive me or even see me if you don't want to and I will understand if you just want me to leave this city and move far away to stay away from you." "I can't." I whisper. Tears pooled out of my eyes.

I shake my head. "No I don't want that. I want to be close with you, but I need time. I need time to think. I can't deal with this right now. With Regionals a few days away. I can't do this." I get up quickly. "Davina please." I shake my head I grab my phone, wallet, car keys and some clothes. "Davina!" I run out and I run to Asher's place.

He was already there the door wide open. I run inside and he closes it. I drop my stuff and he hugs me tightly. Katie comes running in and when she sees me on the floor in Asher's lap she runs to me and hugs me. I cry and sob. After a while I stop but I don't let go. I sniff. Asher tells Katie what happened.

"Ok, Davina come on I am running a bath for you." She grabs my hand. "Ash please put Davina's things in your room." She says kindly. Asher gets up and grabs my things, while Katie guides me to her bathroom. She has a huge bathtub that can fit 3 people. She starts the water and while it runs she gets some smelling oils, bubbles, and some bath salt that makes your skin soft she puts it all in then gets me 2 towels.

When it is ready she stops the water, and turns to me. "it already. Do you want fresh clothes? Some soft music?" "Soft music please and I don't need new clothes I just changed into, thank you." "Your welcome I will be back in a few minutes with the music you can get in." I nod and she leaves. I undress I fold the clothes and put them on the back of the toilet, then I get in.

It was warm I laid my head back and sighed. A knock on the door was heard. "It's Katie are you in yet?" "Yes you can come in." She did she had a radio in her hand. She put on calming music, lighted candles then turned off the lights. "Thank you so much Katie." "Your welcome Davina, now relax you need it when you get out I will have some cookies done and we can watch a movie."

"That would be awesome." She kissed my head and left. I closed my eyes enjoying this. After a while I got out, I unplugged the bath and I stepped out wrapping a towel around my body then around my hair. I sat on the toilet drying off, and really relaxed. Once I was dried off completely I got dressed in my clothes.

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