Chapter 40

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A week later Mason got a call saying he got the part, we all celebrated that night until the early hours of the next day. We all were heading to the beach now before he has to leave to get ready filming the play.

We all had our bags ready and we're now on the road. It wasn't that long of a ride to the beach, only an hour so me, Asher, Kam and Mason belated music and sang the whole time. When we got to the beach we sat up our things, the boys went straight to the water. Me, Kim and Emily sun bathed. "Guess what?" Kim says, taking off her glasses and looking at us, we look at her, "What?" "I haven't told anyone yet, and you can't tell the boys." "What??" Kim says laughing,

"I'm pregnant." She says, I look at Emily my eyes wide and mouth hanging open.  "No way?!" Kim says snapping out of it. "Yes way, I'm 3 and a half months along." I squeal and jump up, hugging her and jumping up and down. Kim joins in with us. "What's all this squealing about?" "The boys finally came over, "Girl talk." I wink at Cole making him blush we all laugh.

"Do you guys want to come in?" Mark asks, "Nope we are good." We sit back down so they head back. "Oh my God! I am so excited!" I feet on the chair I was laying on. Kim and Emily laugh, "I'm going to be the best aunt ever!" We all laugh.

We join the boys not long after. We play I'm the water for hours. Then we go for a walk along the beach side. Cole and Emily wondered off Emily finally telling Cole. When we got back to our spot on the beach Cole and Emily were there with huge smiles on their faces. "Ok what happened?" Kam asks with a smile, "I'm pregnant!" The boys all go wide eyed. "No way that is awesome!" Kam says running to her and hugging her then Cole. "Congrats!" Mark says with a smile hugging the both of them. "Wow did not expect that!" Mason says with a chuckle, hugging the both of them.

"Wow dude u am so happy for you." Asher says next hugging Cole, "Congrats Emily." He hugs her, "Thanks." She says with a smile. "She told me and Kim earlier." "Ah, so that's why you all were squealing." Me and Kim nod.

When it got dark I drove home with the boys in the car. They all fell asleep so I was just driving in silence until I got home. When I stopped the car Asher woke up, "Hey." I smile, "Sorry princess I fell asleep." "It's alright." I smile and get out, I wake up Kam, Asher wakes up Mason. We all head inside. We say goodnight to our friends, then me and Asher head to our room.

We both get in the shower, getting out an hour later. I dress in simple pajamas, I lay on Asher's chest. "How is planning the wedding going?" "Slow." I respond. "Would you like me to help?" "Can you give you the invitations?" "Sure." "Thank you." "Of course princess." With that we both fall asleep.

The next day we have to say our goodbyes to Mason. He had a suitcase full of the things he would need. "So where is the film taking place?" Kim asks, "Atlanta Georgia." We nod. Everyone hugs him, Kam would be taking him to the airport. I go up and hug him tightly. "You'll be back soon right?" I ask, still hugging him. "Yeah I'll be back Davina. In a few months." I nod and let go, he smiles and kisses my forehead. Then Kam and Mason walk out.

"It's gonna suck while he is away." I frown, Asher wraps an arm around my shoulders. "How about you get your mind off of Mason leaving by planning your wedding with us?" Kim and Emily say. I nod, we head to my room, putting on music, we get out my binder with everything so far.

"Ok so who is going to be your bridesmaids?" Kim asks, "Well you 2 obviously, Diana will also be a bridesmaid, and my mom will be the maid of honor." They nod writing that down. "Do you know who is going to be the best man?" Kim asks, "Most likely Kam." I write that down. "Mark and Cole will be groomsmen. Oh! And Katie will be my other maid of honor." Kim adds that to the list.

"Do you have a color theme?" Kim asks, "How about black, red and gold?" "Beautiful!" I smile and write that down. "So Asher is helping me sort where everyone is sitting during the ceremony, but for the reception, me and Asher are goin to sit in the back of the room it will be held, with you all, overlooking the guests?" "Ok I like that." Emily says with a smile as she writes what I said down.

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