Chapter 38

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Soon the days had turned to weeks, I do believe it has been 3 weeks since I first woke up, I am getting stronger now, I an twitch my hand or foot. I've done it a few times when my friends were in the room, this gave them all hope which is what I wanted. I soon found out my family had stayed for the first month, they come once a week, including Diana, I enjoy listening to their talking as they say what has happened.

I also found out it is February. Asher visits me everyday, saying that when I wake up he will catch me up on all the work I have missed. He also said that the casts came off a week ago and I was perfectly fine so I should be able to wake up soon. Kam has told me that in the beginning when I first was brought into this coma that fans delivered flowers, get well soon cards, balloons, it was sweet which made me laugh inside.

I know that I will wake up soon. It is just a matter of time. I couldn't wait for that. "Hey Davina I don't know if you can hear me but if you can, can you squeeze my hand?" I heard Asher say, I gently squeezed his hand. He laughed, "I'm going to go get a doctor, ok?" I squeezed his hand again. I heard his feet leave then 2 people came in. A hand grabbed each hand. "Davina I am Dr. Shepard, I am the neurologist, I want you to squeeze my hand if you can hear me, I am holding your right hand." He said, I gently squeezed his hand, I heard him laugh quietly.

"OK Davina, I am going to ask a few questions, simply yes or no, my hand is no and Asher's is yes. Can you do that? Squeeze his hand if you are ok with this." I gently squeezed Asher's hand, "I felt it." He said to the doctor. "Ok, Davina are you 15?" I squeezed the doctors hand, "Are you 18?" I squeezed Asher's hand.

"Good, I am going to explain what happened, squeeze Asher's hand if you want to hear it." I squeezed my fiancées hand. "She squeezed my hand." "Ok, Davina, do you remember what happened? Why you are here?" I squeezed the doctors hand, it was fuzzy. "Ok, a semi truck blew a tire, the car in front of you got hit first, you tried to go over to the car to see if everyone was ok, but then the backend of that truck hit your side of the car. Your car flipped and ended in a ditch. Squeeze my hand if you understand." The doctor said, I barely squeezed it as my brain was getting tired.

"Ok, your friends helped you and your friends out of your car. Asher was unconscious, you had to wake him up because your car was smoking pretty badly, when you were almost at the highway it blew up, you and Asher flew 10 feet, you broke your right arm and left leg and had a major concussion. Asher had a major concussion, broke his left arm, had internal bleeding and minor burns. He was in a medical induced coma for 2 weeks. Squeeze my hand so I know you heard everything." I barely squeezed his hand, I was so tired all I wanted to do was go back to sleep.

He tried to pull his hand away, but I gripped it. I felt one of his other hands go to my shoulder. "What is it Davina?" He asked, "Princess what's wrong?" Asher said. I tried to move my index finger, "Your finger is moving." The doctor informed, his voice sounded happy. I moved it up, then to the side. "T?" I moved my fingers up and down. "Ok t, what next?" I tried to make an I.

"I?" I moved my fingers up and down. "OK ti, what next Davina?" I didn't know if I made it correctly, but I tried to do an r. "Try again?" I was so tired but I needed to do this. I moved my finger again. "R?" I moved my fingers up and down. "tir," the doctor trailed off, "Tired? Are you tired?" I moved my fingers up and down. "You can go to sleep." Asher said, I moved my fingers to the sides, "No?" Dr. Shepard said, "Are you scared baby?" Asher asked, I moved my fingers up and down.

"Don't worry Davina, you'll be fine. Asher will be here at all times, I will check in every few hours. I will know if you are sleeping if you don't squeeze my hand deal?" I squeezed Dr. Shepard's hand. "Ok, goodnight Davina." He said then left. Asher grabbed my left hand, "Do you want to me climb in bed with you?" I squeeze his hand. "I'm going to move you over." I squeeze it again, then I felt my body being moved then he is laying next to me. He lays my head on his chest.

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