Chapter 11

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"Your gay?" He nods. "Since when?" "Sunce I was 15." "So 3 Years. Who knows about this?" "Only you, Asher and my parents. That's why they keep leaving."

"I'm sorry. But I am glad you told me. It means you trust me enough to keep this secret." He nods smiling. We talk the rest of the way. Soon we make it to the airport. We get off and grab our things. We make it to the big parking lot and I see my baby.

I tuned to my car and hug it. "My baby!! I missed you!!" My friends laugh and I stick my middle finger up. They just laugh harder and I smile. Me, Asher, and Kam get in my car since we live close and Kam is staying with Asher anyways. The rest get in Emily's Lamborghini. She lives on the rich side of town with Cole and they love near Kim's and Mark's house anyways.

Soon we split ways. I park my car in my empty driveway and Asher grabs his and Kams things and runs inside his house then comes back out and helps Kam out. I get out and grva my things I pick my car and go inside my empty house.

I go to my room and I put all my things away. I see Asher helping Kam sit on his bed.

I look around smiling when a piece of paper shines off of the setting sun I go over and sit on my couch that us next to my window. I open the folded paper and gaso at what I see. There were 3 pictures. The first one was of me sleeping in my hotel room. The sedidnwas one of Asher his back to the camera. He had a towel around his waist. Still wet from the shower at our hotel.

The last was the worst. It was Kam airborne when he got hit by the car. His eyed were shut, but the worst thing is you could see me and Asher running to him. Then at the bottom of the page it said, I will get all 3 of you. Dont get to comfy. I screamed as loud as I could. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Aaher runs to his window and opens it. Mine was already open AND I DIDN'T DO IT!!" "Both of you come over now!"

Everything went black. I gasped awake. Asher and Kam looked at me. "P-Picture!" Asher nods. "Yea we saw it Davina. Are you ok?" I shake my head. "These people know where I live, my window was open and I didnt open it. I closed it before I left." Tears fell down my face. Kam hugged me. "We cant tell anyone." I say they nod. "We found a piece of paper from your family. They are gone for a week."

Asher says. "Its Sunday I cant be here alone." "I know that why we have bags here because we are staying till they get back." I nod. "I'm scared." "We are to Davina." Asher says. I hug them.since it was late I set up 2 air mattresses and we slept. We woke up to my alarm going off. We all groan. I sigha and get up Kam goes in the bathroom and changes while I get my clothes from my closet and Asher goes in there.

I change into a one shoulder white crop top, with high waisted pink shorts. I put on white pumps to match. "Boys you can come out now."

They come out and I go in the bathroom

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They come out and I go in the bathroom. I put on natural makeup with my hair down. I wall back out ma grab my phone, wallet, keys and boo bag. We all go downstairs and I make eggs and toast. Once it is done  we start to eat.

When we are doen I wash the dishes and we leave. Asher helps Kam in the passenger side of the car. I start the car and I drive out. "We are going to Starbucks." They nod and I go through the drive through. We rose four drinks and Kam pays. We drive out and to school. "You ready to be the center of attention?" Kam says. I groan.

They both laugh. "Gey you will be it more because of the 'accident'." His face pales and I smile and I drive in the parking lot. As u do everyone stares. I park next to Emily's car. Everyone stares not looking away. "Well damn." I say. Asher smiles. I sigh and we get out I grab Kams bag and my own.

Asher helps him out and we walk to our friends. "Well this sucks." Kam says. I nod. "Me and Kam better go to our lockers." "Do you want us to come?" Asher says. I shake my head. "Just keep your phone on." They all nod and me and Kam lwave. We got o his locker and I switch his books

Then we get to mine and do the same when lots of students come up to us. We both lean against the lockers. "Can you teach me how to dance?" "What actually happened to Kam?" "Will you go out with me Davina?" "Kam show me how to dance?" "Kam go out with me?"

I secretly get on my phone and unlock it. I go to my contacts by memory and I click on Ashers number from memory. "What was it like on the stage?" "Will you dance with me Davina?" "Show us what you both can do." They all ask at the same time. "Leave us alone please." I say. They just keep asking us nonsense.

I hear running and I see Asher and our friends with the principle. Asher grabs my hand and u grab Kams he leads us out and the principal tells everyone to get to class and not bother us or they get detention.

They all leave quickly. He apologizes and says that he will make an announcement that if anyone messes with any of us they get detention for 3 days. We nod and leave. Me, Asher, and Kam make it to math late.

"Why are you guys late?" The teacher says. "Nosy people being rude." I say we all make it to our seats and we start our work. Soon it ends and I wall to English. I see Kim and Mark sitting in the back and I join them

"People are so nosy it is just annoying." They laugha and nod. We start our work and we end early. "So are you and Kam gonna pick out a song next period?" Kim asks. "Yea. Most likely. I will see you gugs at linch." They nod and I leave. I go to Study hall and air down. Kam and Asher come in late and Kam sits next to me. Cole and Asher do their school work listening to music.

I look at Kam. "Wanna pick out a song and dance to do?I finished my work." He nods and I get out my earbuds and phone. I go on YouTube and we start to look at dances and music. After a while we find the perfect one. The song is called. Falling Like The Stars by James Author.  "This is the one." I say Kam nods.

We study the dance. "Can we do it?" Kam nods. The bell rings and me and Asher go to Geometry. Once we get there we sit in the back. "Did you pick out the song you and Kam are doing?" I nod. "Can I know what it is?" I shake my head he sighs and we begin our lesson. Once it is over we meet Kam and we walk to the lunch room getting our food we sit down.

"Kam won't tell me the song you both are doing can you tell me?" Kim asks. I shake my head. We wat and half way through we see Mrs. Winely come ina and look around. She sees us and comes to us, telling us to meet her in the hall way. Me and Kam get up and we wlak out. "So I have found a song and dance you both can do." "I am sorry but we already have one."

I say she shows us the dance anyways and we shake our head fast. "That is to sexual. Remember we are Best Friends." "Can I see your song and dance?" We nod and I show her. She smiles. "That is an awesome song and dance. You both will definitely win and plus Judge Clare took a liking to you both that is a plus." I smile. "Tnams can we go eat now?" She nods and we leave going back inside.

"So what did she want?" Mark says. "She wanted to do an dance amd song she picked out but I was so sexual and it was gross." Kam nods. They smile. I roll my eyes and soon school goes on and on.

Guys I am so sorry for not updating my life has been shitty but also very fun. That doesn't make sense but what the hell right?! Anyways I am truly sorry for not updating. I started Freshman year and god I have homework everyday and I am taking extra classes so no free periods ot study halls. So when I hey home I am literally going homework for a good 3 hours then I have to eat then I have to go to bed and I am exhausted all the time. Ugh, COVID sucks but I hope you guys ar being safe.

See ta guys later. Love y'all! ❤

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