Chapter Two

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I watched as the woman walked out of Mr Walters' office. She looked calm and composed and had a prideful look on her over powdered face. A clown was more fit of a term. A clown and that was what she was. She crossed the short distance to the elevator and on her way sent one of the employees a seductive look. He looked at her, then her body then turned to the side as he spoke with a male college.

Her face soured.


"How on earth am I to find something I have no clue about?" Noreen complained from my side.

She shuffled the drawers on my desk then went to the papers that laid already scattered atop my desk. The cleaning lady passed by me and I sent her an understanding look. She seemed to be getting more than any of us got, as everyday Mr Walters' office would be in a disarray and she had to stay over time, two hours to be precise. The woman had kids and a family. I guess Mr Walters did not take that into consideration whenever he destroyed his work place.

But she got paid in huge amounts, so maybe he considered his actions before destroying his work space.

"Then you must be lucky not working directly for that big goof that calls himself Kyle Walters." I pointed my pen to the room in which he was in right now with the other business executives.

"I walked in on them and damn, that woman is as low as a hoe." I shook my head and Noreen laughed.

"What do you expect a gold digger to do? He still pays her though, even though the engagement was annulled. She is a player."

"A messed up one at that."

Noreen nodded then poked her head in my bag. "Hey." I hit her hand.

"What I was told to look for something but I was not told what to look for."

I pushed her aside and rewrapped my folded chicken. She took up small pinch from the open packet. I hit her hand again and she dropped it to her side. "It's for me and Ollie."

"Ollie, Ollie sometimes I feel you spend too much on him and it was just a tiny bite. It won't affect the whole chicken. It is chicken right and not pork? Pamy you know I do not eat pork, right? Pamy right?" I shut my mouth and hummed to a tone that was playing on the low radio. "Pamy?" But I still did not say anything.

Then she did the dumbest thing, she reopened the foil and took a larger piece. "Hey!" She snack her tongue out to me.

"What?" She asked as she licked at her fingers. One of the colleges looked at her and his eyes turned dark brown. She twisted her index finger in and out of her mouth swirling it along her tongue. The man hit another woman that had been coming his way and her hot coffee spilled to the floor.

"That was not my doing." Noreen said as she wiped her hand on a clean paper towel. The man stood up with a pink blush and apologised to the woman offering to buy her two cups of coffee if she was up to it. Noreen on the other hand smiled a devious smile.

Call her a she devil.

She sat on my chair and raised her hands up. "Darling listen to my predicament. I was told by my boss to find a document and hell I do not know what it is or what on earth I am looking for. I need help."

I stapled the last of the papers together and looked at her. "Maybe it's a file he wants." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Man can want whatever comes to his mind, including." Her eyes trailed down to the triangular shape that sat in between her legs.

"Omg Noreen dont tell me..." I left the sentence hanging. She gave me a horrified look and stood up immediately. "Pamela do you think I would stoop so low, I mean, I cannot, but, oh, he has a wife, a family and a mistress outside. I would not want to bring myself such drama. And talk about age gap." She bit on her thumb nail, scratching the red polish that had been painted there.

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