Chapter Five

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"I heard his mom is here. She scares the shit out of me." Noreen said as she washed her hands. "I mean it's funny how everyone thinks he is mean and arrogant, but have you seen his mother? They are basically of the same bone. But I bet you and her could be best of friends. She hates Donna with so much passion. I don't know why but she does. I understand that she is playing her son but it's just natural anger." I bit on my nail as I listened to Noreen speak.

"But she accepted Donna as Kyle's bride. So why would she hate her?" My gossip partner tucked my hand in the crock of hers and walked upstairs back to our seats.

"She did not. She actually threatened Mr Kyle Walters claiming she would take the company away from him, the houses, his cars whatever he had. Make him a nobody. Yeah the company is under his name but not fully. Half of it is his and a greater half is hers. She is the main bone of the whole magic empire." She picked up a box of papers and I got hold of another.

"Then he threatened her with suicide. He was willing to take his own life if she didn't accept Donna. And him being her only child, she accepted her. And on the day that Donna broke the engagement, Mrs Walters partied. A sex video was released of her during the party at night having a threesome with guys younger than her by lets say a lot."

She pressed the button to the second floor and we stepped into the elevator. "Their relationship is strained."

I mouthed an "O".

Noreen got a text and dumped the box on the floor. Girlish giggles came out of her mouth as she showed me the picture on her phone. "I think I am going to be blind."

She replied something along the lines of show me your back side. The dummy did. She nearly fell to the floor.

"Wait he is sending those from the bathroom here?" She nodded and bit her tongue. She turned on her camera app and bent her phone.

"Woah Noreen." She pouted. "No you will not."

The elevator doors opened and we walked out. From the opposite side. A male figure walked out of the second floor bathrooms and Noreen giggled. I couldn't tell who he was as his hair was dyed black and he looked unfamiliar.

But sexy.

He turned around and my mouth dropped open. Noreen giggled and that caught the attention of the other people that were among us. He winked at her before walking into the elevator we had just come out from. I pulled Noreen to the side.

"No shit Sherlock." I said.

"What?" She asked me. A new message popped up on her phone and it was a picture of her ass. I took that while entering the elevator. "Can't wait to have it and eat you till you can't walk."

"You have been phone sexing your boss. And that was his dick and backside." I said horrified. She winked at me and walked towards one of the offices. I stood there shell shocked.

"Noreen, Noreen wait oh my God what happened to having a conscience. Noreen." I found her leaning against a desk and taking a picture. I closed the door before any one would see what she was doing.

"Oh no you are not sending that. Hell he will think you are some hoe." I argued and reached for her phone. "It's only a bit of a tease. Nothing more." She said as she moved away from me.

"Your boobs are clearly shown. Don't do this you have morals. Listen to the voice of reason. Her name is Pamela and she is two semi inches shorter than you."

"Pamela!" I jumped and turned to look at the door. I could hear the thunderous footsteps of the man I had angered earlier on. As a matter of fact I had been avoiding him ever since that push.

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