Chapter Eighteen

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I was in the back seat of a car going to God knew where. Though I was lucky, I hadn't been offered the red or green card. That was a relief.

Ollie snuggled closer to my feet as he rolled on his back. He had fallen off the seat and decided the floor of the car was his best option. I couldn't blame him, with the way blankets and pillows had been tossed all over to make him a comfortable bed, why would he want the seat? I looked at the man that sat on the opposite seat across from me.

Despite his closed eyes I could tell he was looking at me.

Cross that we were in a limo.

I continued to stare outside, giving him the silent treatment. Yes, I knew it was childish, but he deserved it. Not that I had anything to tell him. Though to think about it, I had questions. Questions I knew he wasn't going to answer even if I asked.

He had a coconut for a brain.

Then there was Nile, I was going to kill him the next time I saw him. The donkey for a best friend knew what Kyle had been planning, and he supported him, he helped him.

Kill the best friends, they know everything.

But Noreen is your best friend, would you want her dead? Even if she knew all your secrets, would you want her dead?

No, I thought to myself, not kill but punish the best friends. They knew too much. Then enslave the main man. Yes. I was already plotting my revenge on the both of them.

The scenery caught my attention, and I couldn't help but admire the great outdoors.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In the west." He responded sarcastically. Like dah, wasn't it that obvious?

"Where exactly Kyle? The wild west? Like the cowboys, horses?" I could feel the bubbles in my tummy. Had he unknowingly made my wildest dreams come true?

I could feel his gaze on my person, and I looked at him.

"The exact location is for you not to know, but for me to know. Though you have brains so you can find out where you are just by looking outside. As for the wild west, I doubt I would ever take you there. We wouldn't want the cowboys snatching you out of my hands now. You are my wife."

"It would be my pleasure falling for a horseman, give me a pig I wouldn't mind." I said under my breath.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Nothing, I said nothing."

I looked back out the window. The sky rose great lengths above us, pure blue with white scattered about the large mass. There were the trees and they seemed lively with the chirping sounds of birds.

I could barely spot houses or even human settlement. I put my nose out. A farm. Horses, I could smell horses. Texas!

"We are in Texas?"

He looked at me, seriously looked at me. "No dummy we are still in the European continent."

"But it felt like the USA."

"No shit sherlock." He buried his nose in the paper.

"We are in the west of the continent?"

"No Pamela west of the country."

"But which of the countries dummy?"

He did not answer me.

"If you don't answer me dammit, I will castrate you, that threat still hangs in the air."

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