Chapter Twenty-eight

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"It's feels like forever since I last saw you." I rolled my eyes at her. We were walking along the street clenching cups of hot chocolate to our cold hands. I hated this type of weather.

"I wasn't gone more than three days Noreen, you are over exaggerating." It was her turn to roll her eyes. She squeezed my arm.

"So, tell me everything about what happened."

I took a sip of my scalding drink and made a face. I already told you what happened.

"Skylark is preggo, does anyone know?"

I thought to myself. No, I doubted anyone knew. She hadn't attended the dinner and for the short time that she was down in the hall she barely touched any alcoholic drink.

"No, I don't think so."

"Then she will kill you if you said anything to anyone."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It is not like it is my story to tell. I have bigger problems than that. How are your parents? I know I am a bad friend."

We walked over to a bench and sat down. I could feel the cold eat through the thickness of my jacket.

"Mom is out of the ICU, government paid the bills. As for dad well he is using a wheel car, he didn't need that amputation after all."

That was good news wasn't it?

"And how are you doing?" I placed a hand on her arm. She sighed dramatically and put her hand to her head almost spilling her drink.

"Overwhelmed and sexually frustrated."

"Huh and I thought I was the only one going through the latter."

She bit her lip, her eyes sparkled 'I have something to tell but I don't want to say it because I know even if I do, you won't judge me but you would tell me other wise and at the end of the day you would still find out.' Yes she had that look on her face and it had taken me not more than five minutes to pick up such look on the first day we met.

"I am listening." She cleared her throat, and a huge pink blush grazed her cheeks.

"Nile and I had sex."

I looked at her. That was the reason behind his sudden glow this morning.

"Did you hear me?"

"Noreen, I heard you alright. When did you do it?"

She bit the insides of her lip. "While you and Kyle were away playing beauty and the beast, Nile was in charge and he had asked me to stay extra hours. So, we were working and the rooms temperature dropped and then we were kissing and made hot love in the office."

"Kyle's office?"

She made a face. "Ah no to the hell no. In Nile's office. Sexing in my big boss' office would be hell of ew."

I chuckled but I still waited.

"I do like him Pamela and I do not mean like him, I mean like like him. I do not know if he feels the same way about me but every time he walks in the room my stomach does the whole butterfly thing and I get tongue tied."

I smiled a huge grin splitting my face.

"What?" She asked.

"You weren't like this with your ex, why the sudden change?"

She faced the moving crowd as she brought the cup to her lips.

"I guess my hormones are kicking in. I want to settle down and make babies not just have a dumbass for a boyfriend that still fucks his cousin."

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