Chapter Thirty-one

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I woke up to the sounds of barking, the clanging of pans and raised voices. It surprised me that Ollie wasn't in the room, he had long gone out. I pulled the robe tightly around my body. The bottle of wine was nearest, so I grabbed it instead of the half full glass of water. I could feel the headache coming back.

I looked with dazed eyes as Skylark struggled with Ollie and Rhemy. Both were pulling at the rope of her robe. There was a knock on one of the side doors. I walked over it to find my nosy neighbour peeping through. I opened the door a little to hear what she was shouting about.

"Been trying to sleep but your dogs won't let me. Why can't you be quiet for once in your life-."

"Suck my hairy balls."

I slammed the door on her face. I didn't care that my morning breath stunk or for the fact that I was in a robe. She was damned nosy and too bossy but hell the whole neighbourhood wouldn't sleep at night as her loud screams and moans filled the night.

Like it did yesterday.

There was another knock on the door.

"Hell child I swear I never spoke like that to my elders. Your dogs making a hell of of a ruckus."

"I do not see anyone else complaining."

She eyed my figure, her eyes trying to peek through the small space to see inside.

"That is because they are not as affected as me. I live next door and I hear the loud noises."

I took a large swing of the wine.

"Like I said grandma the day you suck my balls would be the day my dogs stop making noise. And try making your walls thicker or reduce your scream-shouting. We all heard you scream Liam in a not so fancy British accent."

I tried closing the door, but he put her foot through. I sighed inwardly and placed the wine bottle to my head. My legs were getting the chill.

"Is there a guy in your house? I saw a car parked out front."

I wanted to snap at her, it is none of your business. But again, why should I?

"Babe! There is a chic out here that wants to meet you."

I looked at her. Her curious braws knitted. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. Skylark peeked through.

"Who is she?" She questioned.

The woman whose name I never bothered to learn looked at us shocked. Skylark pulled the door even wider and she eyed her figure. She was dressed in a short black sleeping gown with a matching robe as mine.

"Sweet Lord have mercy are you-?" She stopped short as she saw another figure approach.

"My love what is keeping you from me?" Kyle ran his hands along my stomach then settled for a kiss on my cheek. For added effect I whimpered. His hand travelled along my hips and I had the urge to beat it away, but I didn't want to.

The woman unashamedly stared. She licked her dry lips.

"Inappropriate Kyle! Don't you know you are corrupting me your older sister?" She stormed back inside. "Pick a room with a closed door and a lock, get some privacy."

I doubted Kyle wanted that though. He grabbed onto the bottle of wine releasing my fingers of the strenuous activity. Then he turned my body to his, his lips claimed mine before any other thought could formulate in my head. It was a deep kiss one with so much emotion.

I moaned into his mouth, and he made an animalistic sound that came out from the back of his throat.

His body warmed up mine and I forgot all about the cold breeze and the gaping lady. He broke the kiss and smiled at me. Then he turned to the woman.

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