Chapter Thirty-four

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I stared at her as the words left her mouth. "Then why did you lie about him being your boyfriend."

She looked at me, her eyes turning watery. "Had I come to you with my story you would have told me it is my problem."

"And you fucking knew that Jake and Ian worked together, you fucking knew they had some kind of connection, and yet you swore, you lied you didn't know who your blackmailer is." I gripped his hands tightly. "Kyle." I whispered in his ears.

I understood how stressed out he had been. I wasn't all too comfortable having my nudes fly about the internet.

"Then why the hell was it sent to me? What kind of connection do I have with you?"

She stared at him. "I am your sister. I might not have come out of the same womb but I am your damned sister."

"A sister that never for once cared about my fucking health." Kyle shouted. "One that never stopped her messed up father from fucking abusing Nile and I."

Noreen let out a gasp and stared at Nile. I could see the sadness that etched her features. 'I will tell you all about it later' I mouthed and she nodded.

"Do you think you are the only one that went through hell in his hands? Do you think I was never abused?" She stood up and stormed to him. Her hands raised up in the air only for her to tear off the thin shirt she had underneath.

"Look at what he did to me, look at my back. I have had to live with this my whole life. Look Kyle! Do you see the burns? Do you see the angry scratches?"

She turned to face him. Her eyes tearing. "Look at my stomach. I am hideous what man would look at me and smile? What man would look at me and say wow she is beautiful? What man would think me worthy of being his wife? But do you know what my father did? My father sold me, well at least he tried to. I did what I had to do because I was desperate, desperate to leave that house, desperate to feel human."

Noreen dropped a towel around her freezing shoulders. Skylark shredded. "It was either that or suicide."

"We are not judging you, you did what you had to do to. How about a hot cup of coffee, or my favourite soothing tea. Let's get you a cup shall we?" Noreen led her out the room.

"I will um, check on Matt and see what more he can tell us." Nile left shutting the door behind him.

Kyle pressed a few buttons and Nile was back. "Sorry forgot the box is coming with me. We wouldn't want anything else going out now."

This time the door was shut and time stilled. I turned to look at Kyle, he was already staring at me. "Kyle."

But he cut me off with his lips silencing mine. My hands moved around his neck, fisting his hair. He lifted me up and I let out a gasp. "Kyle." I giggled.

He carried me to the chair were he sat down first and placed me on his laps. His lips found my forehead and he placed neuromas kisses there. His other hand roomed my stomach. He stared into space.

"Kyle." I turned his face so that he was looking at me. A small smile lit his face, but there was sadness in his eyes. He kissed the fingers of my left hand.

"We will get out of this alive, well with the exception of Nile, he might come out with a few scratches or broken bones."

He chuckled. "And I am willing to bet my money that you would be the reason to why that happens."

I smiled as I straddled him. I brought his face to mine, his breath on the softness of my heated skin. "I will make him suffer with so much love."

He didn't answer me because my lips cut him short, it felt good being in control. His hands found their way under my shirt. "Kyle." I whispered as his hand pinched my nipple. Damn, I was wet already.

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