Chapter Three

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I groaned. "Lord."

"Have mercy." Was the reply that came from the other side of the room. Noreen couldn't understand that it was a Saturday and I had to sleep.

"You can't get this thickness outta your mouth." She sang at the top of her voice and I had to use a pillow to try blocking the sound out. Grumpily I got out of bed with Ollie trailing behind. He was as affected as I was with her horrible singing. I turned to the open door.


She was tweaking right in the middle of the room with the volume turned up. "You are disturbing the neighbours." She shrugged her shoulders and put two fingers up in the air. I groaned and went for the kitchen. A cup of coffee sounded good. She entered the small space.

"Hey Ollie." She stretched her hand out to him. He growled and barked at her. His tail and ears down and a sad look on his face. He turned away from her and pulled at my leg trouser. "I know right she is an annoying morning person." He barked.

"Trust me I had to deal with her right from high-school through college."

He barked again.

"And she ate the delicious grilled chicken."

"Hey" She said. "Just to let you know, it was over spiced."

Ollie and I looked at her. "It was from my mother Noreen."

She grabbed the already made coffee and headed to the living room. "Well tell her I enjoyed her food. And wait when next is she having an open Sunday day. God I miss her food." I tuned her voice out and looked at the love of my life. My puppy. "I know right."

I patted his head as I gave him his bowl of morning breakfast. Then when he was not looking I kissed his soft head. He turned up immediately and licked my face. I giggled. "I love you to."

Noreen sat at the long sofa texting away on her phone. I popped up next to her, hitting her legs in the process. She scoffed and I took a look at who she was texting. I saw the long message of insults and raised an eyebrow.

"Can you believe he has the smallest dick. How do I even live with that."

She sent him another message that comprised of insults and curses.

"Doesn't even know how to fuck me."

Another long text was sent and crying emojis were replied.

"The nerve of him." She threw her phone and to her luck landed on one of the cushions on the floor.

"We were having sex last night and I was about to climax, so close to my release, he mentioned his cousin's name." She pouted, taking a bite of the cookie that sat before her.

"It was funny and fun at first. Meeting his long lost cousin. Getting to know her and shit but us fucking and he mentioned her name. Not like in a simple like 'Pamela' but like he was enjoying everything and imagining her and he called out her name with a moan. And Pamy when I asked him why? The dweeb came up with some silly excuses, 'oh shit she was involved in an accident, and I was worried,' 'she is dealing with the death of her dad.' I could not climax after that and he ended up sleeping on the cold hard floor. Yes I am a bitch."

She took a sip of her cold coffee and groaned again. "I had expected him to wake me up with breakfast and an apology but he left a note saying he was going to his cousin and -" The sound of an incoming message stopped her short of what she was saying and she ran for her phone. A smile graced her face as she replied to the texted.

"And his phone has been off and ooh." She blushed pink.

Curious I walked up to her. "Noreen?" But she was too engrossed in her chat. I inched closer and without her looking snatched the phone from her. She jumped up.

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