Chapter Twenty-six

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The loud sounds coming out of the flying Dutchman made my nerves vibrate. Just by the corners of the building were women giving men free blowjobs. I wanted to punch something. No someone.

The alcohol hadn't been helping and her ignoring my calls, not responding to my messages and not opening the door for me put me on edge.

I was fucking risking my life.

But it was never my fault was it? I had tried as a fucking human and she, she had dumped me. Said it right to my face, told me no. Shit I couldn't go back home. I knew if I did I would masturbate to the thoughts of her. I needed to let lose. I was building a lot of tension.

A whore?

But then again I wanted someone that could give me what she gave me. Someone that could pleasure me like she did. Someone that I could fuck senseless.

These whores couldn't give anything.

"Matthias?" I stopped dead in my tracks.

The last person that had dared to call me that was my mother and right now she was not present in the face of the earth.

I continued walking. "I wouldn't advise that if I were you."

A large man stepped into my line of vision blocking my only path through.

"I am not here to hurt you, but simply to talk business."

I was not getting into any form of shit, and neither was I buying drugs. I pushed past the big guy but he held me down. He twisted my hands behind my back and pressed my face down to the ground with his foot.

My intoxicated mind told me it would be senseless fighting back as the barrel of a gun was placed in between my legs. Through the thin material of my pants, I could feel the cold metal on my balls.

I looked up. "What the fuck do you want?"

The man had a mask covering his face. He was dressed all in black. I looked around me, they had picked a secluded area where no one would take notice of what was happening.

"If you are looking for a fucker, find yourself one in the club. I fuck pussy and not men."

The man got down to ground level. His fine fingers stroked my chin. A glint of a knife flashed in the darkened alley and the small drip of blood ran into my mouth.

"You could be a nice puppy and entertain some people. I know of a group that would have such enjoyment, but as for now it's business I have to offer you. Come at your own will and avoid yourself getting hurt."

The guard let go of me and I got to my feet. I used the back of my sleeve to clean the blood on my chin.

The man opened the door to a limo and I got in. He made his way through and stared at me. The limo was dark enough and yet he wore glasses.

"I will get to the point Mr Matthias."

"Matt will do."

"Matt." He said while he drummed his hands on the seat.

"You seem like an intelligent man. Matt." I didn't answer. He had brains he could use them.

"What the hell do you want?"

The man smiled, the lower section of his mouth lifting up at the corners.

"Do you know this woman?" He Brought out a photo and my heart panicked.

"What have you done with her? I swear I will-"

"Relax Matt. She is actually related to me and I must say you have caught her attention. She ranted about you quite often."

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