Chapter Thirty-five

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I stared at my reflection on the wall mirror. I did look somewhat pale, though the light makeup did make my face a bit bright. I eyed what I wore, the simple yet sexy black dress clang to my figure like a second skin.

I was definitely going to pay for my choice of clothes by freezing my ass off. But again who cared? I was a girl that had been neglected of one thing I knew I really did love.


I looked back at the bed. It had the sheets we had made love on a few nights ago. Of course, they were clean, fresh actually, but I couldn't seem to part ways with them. They still held his scent, and if I imagined, I could see him on his side staring down at me with our naked bodies tangled up together.

No, I wasn't going to think about it. He had hurt me. Just like how I had expected he would. I looked at the sheets with pure determination crossing my features.

"Yes, I am a player to! Actually, a boss lady, a boss bitch. And I work hard, pay my rent, buy my clothes. I even take myself to a restaurant and- well Pamela usually pays for the meals."

I looked at the huge pink Teddy that sat on one of the chairs. Its beady eyes watched me. The heart it held on one of its hands caught my attention.

Mentally unstable but best friends. Pamela and Noreen.

A small smile graced my lips, I looked at its face. It was bloody smiling, not that it would grimace.

"What? She usually pays for our meals and I don't stop her. But I tip, which is generous of me but that is besides the point. I can break hearts to, and Nile you aren't the only one that falls hard and fast and ends up crashed."

A single tear tried to break free but I squeezed my eyes shut. Boss ladies didn't cry, they were players to. I was a player to. After all they worked their asses off for what they had, even though they had best friends that paid for their meals, but like I said. It wasn't the point I was making.

I drained the remaining contents of my drink. The bitter liquid warming up my throat and giving me some form of confidence. I tapped the screen of my phone then stared for a few minutes. Of course, I had been dumb enough to take numerous pictures of him while he slept. Of course, I was dumb enough to use one of them as my wallpaper.

But I couldn't help it. I stared. He did have a fine stomach, his tempting hard lines and abs. And those muscles. Gosh! For someone that ate a lot he was quite muscular. Then his lips, those devilish lips that could make a girl sin.

Have mercy.

I snapped out of it, promising myself that I would change the wallpaper. I sent Pamela a quick text, but she still replied with the same message she sent earlier.

Sorry love, I have to stay home and keep Skylark company. She is going through those vomiting stages and hell can't even stand up. Have fun.

There were three hearts that accompanied the message. I wasn't mad as a matter of fact she made me feel guilty about going and she staying at home. Yet I understood she had to stay, a lot was happening and Skylark needed her more.

Though I felt a pinch of loneliness. I would be going to the club for the first time in all my life, alone without my mentally unstable friend. Maybe I could stay? I looked back at the sheets and found it tempting. A glass of wine and a movie.

But no! I didn't want to think about him. The night was young and so was I. Players needed to play.

I locked the door behind me.

"Fancy night aint it?"

I looked at my left. "Mrs-" She cut me short with a wave of her hand.

"Girl I get the point, I am sixty-five but don't go around calling me Mrs, I am not that old!" She did smile and I couldn't help but admire her British accent. She made the words seem angelic.

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